
Returns min/max k values and their indices of the input operand in an approximate manner.

Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.


See for the algorithm details. This op is only optimized on TPU currently.

input A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: half, bfloat16, float32. Array to search. Must be at least 1-D of the floating type
k An int that is >= 0. Specifies the number of min/max-k.
reduction_dimension An optional int. Defaults to -1. Integer dimension along which to search. Default: -1.
recall_target An optional float. Defaults to 0.95. Recall target for the approximation. Range in (0,1]
is_max_k An optional bool. Defaults to True. When true, computes max-k; otherwise computes min-k.
reduction_input_size_override An optional int. Defaults to -1. When set to a positive value, it overrides the size determined by input[reduction_dim] for evaluating the recall. This option is useful when the given input is only a subset of the overall computation in SPMD or distributed pipelines, where the true input size cannot be deferred by the input shape.
aggregate_to_topk An optional bool. Defaults to True. When true, aggregates approximate results to top-k. When false, returns the approximate results. The number of the approximate results is implementation defined and is greater equals to the specified k.
name A name for the operation (optional).

A tuple of Tensor objects (values, indices).
values A Tensor. Has the same type as input.
indices A Tensor of type int32.