Module: tf.compat.v1.random

Public API for tf._api.v2.random namespace

experimental module: Public API for tf._api.v2.random.experimental namespace


class Algorithm: A random-number-generation (RNG) algorithm.

class Generator: Random-number generator.


all_candidate_sampler(...): Generate the set of all classes.

categorical(...): Draws samples from a categorical distribution.

create_rng_state(...): Creates a RNG state from an integer or a vector.

fixed_unigram_candidate_sampler(...): Samples a set of classes using the provided (fixed) base distribution.

fold_in(...): Folds in data to an RNG seed to form a new RNG seed.

gamma(...): Draws shape samples from each of the given Gamma distribution(s).

get_global_generator(...): Retrieves the global generator.

get_seed(...): Returns the local seeds an operation should use given an op-specific seed.

learned_unigram_candidate_sampler(...): Samples a set of classes from a distribution learned during training.

log_uniform_candidate_sampler(...): Samples a set of classes using a log-uniform (Zipfian) base distribution.

multinomial(...): Draws samples from a multinomial distribution. (deprecated)

normal(...): Outputs random values from a normal distribution.

poisson(...): Draws shape samples from each of the given Poisson distribution(s).

set_global_generator(...): Replaces the global generator with another Generator object.

set_random_seed(...): Sets the graph-level random seed for the default graph.

shuffle(...): Randomly shuffles a tensor along its first dimension.

split(...): Splits an RNG seed into num new seeds by adding a leading axis.

stateless_binomial(...): Outputs deterministic pseudorandom values from a binomial distribution.

stateless_categorical(...): Draws deterministic pseudorandom samples from a categorical distribution.

stateless_gamma(...): Outputs deterministic pseudorandom values from a gamma distribution.

stateless_multinomial(...): Draws deterministic pseudorandom samples from a multinomial distribution. (deprecated)

stateless_normal(...): Outputs deterministic pseudorandom values from a normal distribution.

stateless_parameterized_truncated_normal(...): Outputs random values from a truncated normal distribution.

stateless_poisson(...): Outputs deterministic pseudorandom values from a Poisson distribution.

stateless_truncated_normal(...): Outputs deterministic pseudorandom values, truncated normally distributed.

stateless_uniform(...): Outputs deterministic pseudorandom values from a uniform distribution.

truncated_normal(...): Outputs random values from a truncated normal distribution.

uniform(...): Outputs random values from a uniform distribution.

uniform_candidate_sampler(...): Samples a set of classes using a uniform base distribution.