
Unpacks a given dimension of a rank-R tensor into num rank-(R-1) tensors.

Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.


Unpacks num tensors from value by chipping it along the axis dimension. For example, given a tensor of shape (A, B, C, D);

If axis == 0 then the i'th tensor in output is the slice value[i, :, :, :] and each tensor in output will have shape (B, C, D). (Note that the dimension unpacked along is gone, unlike split).

If axis == 1 then the i'th tensor in output is the slice value[:, i, :, :] and each tensor in output will have shape (A, C, D). Etc.

This is the opposite of pack.

value A Tensor. 1-D or higher, with axis dimension size equal to num.
num An int that is >= 0.
axis An optional int. Defaults to 0. Dimension along which to unpack. Negative values wrap around, so the valid range is [-R, R).
name A name for the operation (optional).

A list of num Tensor objects with the same type as value.