El componente de ingeniería de funciones de TensorFlow Extended (TFX)
Este cuaderno ejemplo colab proporciona un ejemplo algo más avanzado de cómo TensorFlow Transform ( tf.Transform
) se puede utilizar para preprocesar los datos usando exactamente el mismo código tanto para la formación de un modelo y servir inferencias en la producción.
TensorFlow Transform es una biblioteca para preprocesar datos de entrada para TensorFlow, incluida la creación de funciones que requieren un pase completo sobre el conjunto de datos de entrenamiento. Por ejemplo, al usar TensorFlow Transform podrías:
- Normalizar un valor de entrada usando la media y la desviación estándar
- Convierta cadenas en enteros generando un vocabulario sobre todos los valores de entrada
- Convierta flotantes en números enteros asignándolos a depósitos, en función de la distribución de datos observada
TensorFlow tiene soporte integrado para manipulaciones en un solo ejemplo o en un lote de ejemplos. tf.Transform
extiende estas capacidades para apoyar pases completos sobre todo el conjunto de datos de entrenamiento.
La salida de tf.Transform
se exporta como un gráfico TensorFlow que se puede utilizar tanto para la formación y servir. Usar el mismo gráfico tanto para el entrenamiento como para el servicio puede evitar sesgos, ya que se aplican las mismas transformaciones en ambas etapas.
Lo que estamos haciendo en este ejemplo
En este ejemplo vamos a estar procesando un ampliamente utilizado de conjunto de datos que contiene los datos del censo , y la formación de un modelo de hacer la clasificación. En el camino que vamos a transformar los datos utilizando tf.Transform
Actualizar Pip
Para evitar actualizar Pip en un sistema cuando se ejecuta localmente, verifique que se esté ejecutando en Colab. Por supuesto, los sistemas locales se pueden actualizar por separado.
import colab
!pip install --upgrade pip
Instalar TensorFlow Transform
pip install tensorflow-transform
Comprobación, importaciones y globales de Python
Primero nos aseguraremos de que estamos usando Python 3, y luego continuaremos e instalaremos e importaremos todo lo que necesitemos.
import sys
# Confirm that we're using Python 3
assert sys.version_info.major == 3, 'Oops, not running Python 3. Use Runtime > Change runtime type'
import math
import os
import pprint
import tensorflow as tf
print('TF: {}'.format(tf.__version__))
import apache_beam as beam
print('Beam: {}'.format(beam.__version__))
import tensorflow_transform as tft
import tensorflow_transform.beam as tft_beam
print('Transform: {}'.format(tft.__version__))
from tfx_bsl.public import tfxio
from tfx_bsl.coders.example_coder import RecordBatchToExamples
!wget https://storage.googleapis.com/artifacts.tfx-oss-public.appspot.com/datasets/census/adult.data
!wget https://storage.googleapis.com/artifacts.tfx-oss-public.appspot.com/datasets/census/adult.test
train = './adult.data'
test = './adult.test'
TF: 2.4.4 Beam: 2.34.0 Transform: 0.29.0 --2021-12-04 10:43:05-- https://storage.googleapis.com/artifacts.tfx-oss-public.appspot.com/datasets/census/adult.data Resolving storage.googleapis.com (storage.googleapis.com)...,,, ... Connecting to storage.googleapis.com (storage.googleapis.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 3974305 (3.8M) [application/octet-stream] Saving to: ‘adult.data’ adult.data 100%[===================>] 3.79M --.-KB/s in 0.03s 2021-12-04 10:43:05 (135 MB/s) - ‘adult.data’ saved [3974305/3974305] --2021-12-04 10:43:05-- https://storage.googleapis.com/artifacts.tfx-oss-public.appspot.com/datasets/census/adult.test Resolving storage.googleapis.com (storage.googleapis.com)...,,, ... Connecting to storage.googleapis.com (storage.googleapis.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 2003153 (1.9M) [application/octet-stream] Saving to: ‘adult.test’ adult.test 100%[===================>] 1.91M --.-KB/s in 0.01s 2021-12-04 10:43:05 (177 MB/s) - ‘adult.test’ saved [2003153/2003153]
Nombra nuestras columnas
Crearemos algunas listas útiles para hacer referencia a las columnas en nuestro conjunto de datos.
'age', 'workclass', 'fnlwgt', 'education', 'education-num',
'marital-status', 'occupation', 'relationship', 'race', 'sex',
'capital-gain', 'capital-loss', 'hours-per-week', 'native-country', 'label'
LABEL_KEY = 'label'
Definir nuestras características y esquema
Definamos un esquema basado en qué tipos son las columnas en nuestra entrada. Entre otras cosas, esto ayudará a importarlos correctamente.
[(name, tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string))
[(name, tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.float32))
[(name, tf.io.VarLenFeature(tf.float32))
[(LABEL_KEY, tf.io.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string))]
SCHEMA = tft.tf_metadata.dataset_metadata.DatasetMetadata(
Configuración de hiperparámetros y mantenimiento básico
Constantes e hiperparámetros utilizados para el entrenamiento. El tamaño del depósito incluye todas las categorías enumeradas en la descripción del conjunto de datos, así como una adicional para "?" que representa desconocido.
testing = os.getenv("WEB_TEST_BROWSER", False)
if testing:
# Names of temp files
EXPORTED_MODEL_DIR = 'exported_model_dir'
Preprocesamiento con tf.Transform
Crear un tf.Transform
La función de pre-procesamiento es el concepto más importante de tf.Transform. Una función de preprocesamiento es donde realmente ocurre la transformación del conjunto de datos. Se acepta y devuelve un diccionario de los tensores, donde significa un tensor de un Tensor
o SparseTensor
. Hay dos grupos principales de llamadas API que normalmente forman el corazón de una función de preprocesamiento:
- TensorFlow Operaciones: Cualquier función que acepta y vuelve tensores, lo que normalmente significa ops TensorFlow. Estos agregan operaciones de TensorFlow al gráfico que transforma los datos sin procesar en datos transformados, un vector de características a la vez. Estos se ejecutarán para cada ejemplo, tanto durante el entrenamiento como durante el servicio.
- TensorFlow Transformar Analizadores: Cualquiera de los analizadores proporcionados por tf.Transform. Los analizadores también aceptan y devuelven tensores, pero a diferencia de las operaciones de TensorFlow, solo se ejecutan una vez, durante el entrenamiento, y por lo general hacen un pase completo sobre todo el conjunto de datos de entrenamiento. Crean tensor de constantes , que se añaden a su gráfico. Por ejemplo,
calcula el mínimo de un tensor sobre la formación de datos. tf.Transform proporciona un conjunto fijo de analizadores, pero esto se ampliará en futuras versiones.
def preprocessing_fn(inputs):
"""Preprocess input columns into transformed columns."""
# Since we are modifying some features and leaving others unchanged, we
# start by setting `outputs` to a copy of `inputs.
outputs = inputs.copy()
# Scale numeric columns to have range [0, 1].
outputs[key] = tft.scale_to_0_1(inputs[key])
# This is a SparseTensor because it is optional. Here we fill in a default
# value when it is missing.
sparse = tf.sparse.SparseTensor(inputs[key].indices, inputs[key].values,
[inputs[key].dense_shape[0], 1])
dense = tf.sparse.to_dense(sp_input=sparse, default_value=0.)
# Reshaping from a batch of vectors of size 1 to a batch to scalars.
dense = tf.squeeze(dense, axis=1)
outputs[key] = tft.scale_to_0_1(dense)
# For all categorical columns except the label column, we generate a
# vocabulary but do not modify the feature. This vocabulary is instead
# used in the trainer, by means of a feature column, to convert the feature
# from a string to an integer id.
outputs[key] = tft.compute_and_apply_vocabulary(
# For the label column we provide the mapping from string to index.
table_keys = ['>50K', '<=50K']
with tf.init_scope():
initializer = tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer(
values=tf.cast(tf.range(len(table_keys)), tf.int64),
table = tf.lookup.StaticHashTable(initializer, default_value=-1)
# Remove trailing periods for test data when the data is read with tf.data.
label_str = tf.strings.regex_replace(inputs[LABEL_KEY], r'\.', '')
label_str = tf.strings.strip(label_str)
data_labels = table.lookup(label_str)
transformed_label = tf.one_hot(
indices=data_labels, depth=len(table_keys), on_value=1.0, off_value=0.0)
outputs[LABEL_KEY] = tf.reshape(transformed_label, [-1, len(table_keys)])
return outputs
Transformar los datos
Ahora estamos listos para comenzar a transformar nuestros datos en una canalización de Apache Beam.
- Leer los datos usando el lector CSV
- Transfórmela usando una canalización de preprocesamiento que escala datos numéricos y convierte datos categóricos de cadenas a índices de valores int64, creando un vocabulario para cada categoría.
- Escribir el resultado como un
Protos, que vamos a utilizar para la formación de un modelo posterior
def transform_data(train_data_file, test_data_file, working_dir):
"""Transform the data and write out as a TFRecord of Example protos.
Read in the data using the CSV reader, and transform it using a
preprocessing pipeline that scales numeric data and converts categorical data
from strings to int64 values indices, by creating a vocabulary for each
train_data_file: File containing training data
test_data_file: File containing test data
working_dir: Directory to write transformed data and metadata to
# The "with" block will create a pipeline, and run that pipeline at the exit
# of the block.
with beam.Pipeline() as pipeline:
with tft_beam.Context(temp_dir=tempfile.mkdtemp()):
# Create a TFXIO to read the census data with the schema. To do this we
# need to list all columns in order since the schema doesn't specify the
# order of columns in the csv.
# We first read CSV files and use BeamRecordCsvTFXIO whose .BeamSource()
# accepts a PCollection[bytes] because we need to patch the records first
# (see "FixCommasTrainData" below). Otherwise, tfxio.CsvTFXIO can be used
# to both read the CSV files and parse them to TFT inputs:
# csv_tfxio = tfxio.CsvTFXIO(...)
# raw_data = (pipeline | 'ToRecordBatches' >> csv_tfxio.BeamSource())
csv_tfxio = tfxio.BeamRecordCsvTFXIO(
# Read in raw data and convert using CSV TFXIO. Note that we apply
# some Beam transformations here, which will not be encoded in the TF
# graph since we don't do the from within tf.Transform's methods
# (AnalyzeDataset, TransformDataset etc.). These transformations are just
# to get data into a format that the CSV TFXIO can read, in particular
# removing spaces after commas.
raw_data = (
| 'ReadTrainData' >> beam.io.ReadFromText(
train_data_file, coder=beam.coders.BytesCoder())
| 'FixCommasTrainData' >> beam.Map(
lambda line: line.replace(b', ', b','))
| 'DecodeTrainData' >> csv_tfxio.BeamSource())
# Combine data and schema into a dataset tuple. Note that we already used
# the schema to read the CSV data, but we also need it to interpret
# raw_data.
raw_dataset = (raw_data, csv_tfxio.TensorAdapterConfig())
# The TFXIO output format is chosen for improved performance.
transformed_dataset, transform_fn = (
raw_dataset | tft_beam.AnalyzeAndTransformDataset(
preprocessing_fn, output_record_batches=True))
# Transformed metadata is not necessary for encoding.
transformed_data, _ = transformed_dataset
# Extract transformed RecordBatches, encode and write them to the given
# directory.
_ = (
| 'EncodeTrainData' >>
beam.FlatMapTuple(lambda batch, _: RecordBatchToExamples(batch))
| 'WriteTrainData' >> beam.io.WriteToTFRecord(
os.path.join(working_dir, TRANSFORMED_TRAIN_DATA_FILEBASE)))
# Now apply transform function to test data. In this case we remove the
# trailing period at the end of each line, and also ignore the header line
# that is present in the test data file.
raw_test_data = (
| 'ReadTestData' >> beam.io.ReadFromText(
test_data_file, skip_header_lines=1,
| 'FixCommasTestData' >> beam.Map(
lambda line: line.replace(b', ', b','))
| 'RemoveTrailingPeriodsTestData' >> beam.Map(lambda line: line[:-1])
| 'DecodeTestData' >> csv_tfxio.BeamSource())
raw_test_dataset = (raw_test_data, csv_tfxio.TensorAdapterConfig())
# The TFXIO output format is chosen for improved performance.
transformed_test_dataset = (
(raw_test_dataset, transform_fn)
| tft_beam.TransformDataset(output_record_batches=True))
# Transformed metadata is not necessary for encoding.
transformed_test_data, _ = transformed_test_dataset
# Extract transformed RecordBatches, encode and write them to the given
# directory.
_ = (
| 'EncodeTestData' >>
beam.FlatMapTuple(lambda batch, _: RecordBatchToExamples(batch))
| 'WriteTestData' >> beam.io.WriteToTFRecord(
os.path.join(working_dir, TRANSFORMED_TEST_DATA_FILEBASE)))
# Will write a SavedModel and metadata to working_dir, which can then
# be read by the tft.TFTransformOutput class.
_ = (
| 'WriteTransformFn' >> tft_beam.WriteTransformFn(working_dir))
Usando nuestros datos preprocesados para entrenar un modelo usando tf.keras
Para mostrar cómo tf.Transform
nos permite utilizar el mismo código tanto para la formación y el servicio, y así prevenir que se tuerzan, vamos a entrenar un modelo. Para entrenar nuestro modelo y preparar nuestro modelo entrenado para la producción, necesitamos crear funciones de entrada. La principal diferencia entre nuestra función de entrada de entrenamiento y nuestra función de entrada de servicio es que los datos de entrenamiento contienen las etiquetas y los datos de producción no. Los argumentos y los retornos también son algo diferentes.
Crear una función de entrada para el entrenamiento
def _make_training_input_fn(tf_transform_output, transformed_examples,
"""An input function reading from transformed data, converting to model input.
tf_transform_output: Wrapper around output of tf.Transform.
transformed_examples: Base filename of examples.
batch_size: Batch size.
The input data for training or eval, in the form of k.
def input_fn():
return tf.data.experimental.make_batched_features_dataset(
return input_fn
Crear una función de entrada para servir
Creemos una función de entrada que podamos usar en producción y preparemos nuestro modelo entrenado para servir.
def _make_serving_input_fn(tf_transform_output, raw_examples, batch_size):
"""An input function reading from raw data, converting to model input.
tf_transform_output: Wrapper around output of tf.Transform.
raw_examples: Base filename of examples.
batch_size: Batch size.
The input data for training or eval, in the form of k.
def get_ordered_raw_data_dtypes():
result = []
if col not in RAW_DATA_FEATURE_SPEC:
if isinstance(spec, tf.io.FixedLenFeature):
return result
def input_fn():
dataset = tf.data.experimental.make_csv_dataset(
tft_layer = tf_transform_output.transform_features_layer()
def transform_dataset(data):
raw_features = {}
for key, val in data.items():
if key not in RAW_DATA_FEATURE_SPEC:
if isinstance(RAW_DATA_FEATURE_SPEC[key], tf.io.VarLenFeature):
raw_features[key] = tf.RaggedTensor.from_tensor(
tf.expand_dims(val, -1)).to_sparse()
raw_features[key] = val
transformed_features = tft_layer(raw_features)
data_labels = transformed_features.pop(LABEL_KEY)
return (transformed_features, data_labels)
return dataset.map(
return input_fn
Entrene, evalúe y exporte nuestro modelo
def export_serving_model(tf_transform_output, model, output_dir):
"""Exports a keras model for serving.
tf_transform_output: Wrapper around output of tf.Transform.
model: A keras model to export for serving.
output_dir: A directory where the model will be exported to.
# The layer has to be saved to the model for keras tracking purpases.
model.tft_layer = tf_transform_output.transform_features_layer()
def serve_tf_examples_fn(serialized_tf_examples):
"""Serving tf.function model wrapper."""
feature_spec = RAW_DATA_FEATURE_SPEC.copy()
parsed_features = tf.io.parse_example(serialized_tf_examples, feature_spec)
transformed_features = model.tft_layer(parsed_features)
outputs = model(transformed_features)
classes_names = tf.constant([['0', '1']])
classes = tf.tile(classes_names, [tf.shape(outputs)[0], 1])
return {'classes': classes, 'scores': outputs}
concrete_serving_fn = serve_tf_examples_fn.get_concrete_function(
tf.TensorSpec(shape=[None], dtype=tf.string, name='inputs'))
signatures = {'serving_default': concrete_serving_fn}
# This is required in order to make this model servable with model_server.
versioned_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, '1')
model.save(versioned_output_dir, save_format='tf', signatures=signatures)
def train_and_evaluate(working_dir,
"""Train the model on training data and evaluate on test data.
working_dir: The location of the Transform output.
num_train_instances: Number of instances in train set
num_test_instances: Number of instances in test set
The results from the estimator's 'evaluate' method
train_data_path_pattern = os.path.join(working_dir,
eval_data_path_pattern = os.path.join(working_dir,
tf_transform_output = tft.TFTransformOutput(working_dir)
train_input_fn = _make_training_input_fn(
tf_transform_output, train_data_path_pattern, batch_size=TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE)
train_dataset = train_input_fn()
# Evaluate model on test dataset.
eval_input_fn = _make_training_input_fn(
tf_transform_output, eval_data_path_pattern, batch_size=TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE)
validation_dataset = eval_input_fn()
feature_spec = tf_transform_output.transformed_feature_spec().copy()
inputs = {}
for key, spec in feature_spec.items():
if isinstance(spec, tf.io.VarLenFeature):
inputs[key] = tf.keras.layers.Input(
shape=[None], name=key, dtype=spec.dtype, sparse=True)
elif isinstance(spec, tf.io.FixedLenFeature):
inputs[key] = tf.keras.layers.Input(
shape=spec.shape, name=key, dtype=spec.dtype)
raise ValueError('Spec type is not supported: ', key, spec)
encoded_inputs = {}
for key in inputs:
feature = tf.expand_dims(inputs[key], -1)
num_buckets = tf_transform_output.num_buckets_for_transformed_feature(key)
encoding_layer = (
max_tokens=num_buckets, output_mode='binary', sparse=False))
encoded_inputs[key] = encoding_layer(feature)
encoded_inputs[key] = feature
stacked_inputs = tf.concat(tf.nest.flatten(encoded_inputs), axis=1)
output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(100, activation='relu')(stacked_inputs)
output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(70, activation='relu')(output)
output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(50, activation='relu')(output)
output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(20, activation='relu')(output)
output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(2, activation='sigmoid')(output)
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=output)
model.fit(train_dataset, validation_data=validation_dataset,
steps_per_epoch=math.ceil(num_train_instances / TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE),
validation_steps=math.ceil(num_test_instances / TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE))
# Export the model.
exported_model_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, EXPORTED_MODEL_DIR)
export_serving_model(tf_transform_output, model, exported_model_dir)
metrics_values = model.evaluate(validation_dataset, steps=num_test_instances)
metrics_labels = model.metrics_names
return {l: v for l, v in zip(metrics_labels, metrics_values)}
Ponlo todo junto
Hemos creado todo lo que necesitamos para preprocesar nuestros datos del censo, entrenar un modelo y prepararlo para servir. Hasta ahora solo hemos estado preparando las cosas. ¡Es hora de empezar a correr!
import tempfile
temp = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'keras')
transform_data(train, test, temp)
results = train_and_evaluate(temp)
WARNING:apache_beam.runners.interactive.interactive_environment:Dependencies required for Interactive Beam PCollection visualization are not available, please use: `pip install apache-beam[interactive]` to install necessary dependencies to enable all data visualization features. WARNING:tensorflow:Tensorflow version (2.4.4) found. Note that Tensorflow Transform support for TF 2.0 is currently in beta, and features such as tf.function may not work as intended. WARNING:tensorflow:Tensorflow version (2.4.4) found. Note that Tensorflow Transform support for TF 2.0 is currently in beta, and features such as tf.function may not work as intended. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_transform/tf_utils.py:266: Tensor.experimental_ref (from tensorflow.python.framework.ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use ref() instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_transform/tf_utils.py:266: Tensor.experimental_ref (from tensorflow.python.framework.ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use ref() instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/saved_model/signature_def_utils_impl.py:201: build_tensor_info (from tensorflow.python.saved_model.utils_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: This function will only be available through the v1 compatibility library as tf.compat.v1.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info or tf.compat.v1.saved_model.build_tensor_info. 2021-12-04 10:43:07.088016: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:60] Could not load dynamic library 'libcusolver.so.10'; dlerror: libcusolver.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2021-12-04 10:43:07.089022: W tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1757] Cannot dlopen some GPU libraries. Please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly if you would like to use GPU. Follow the guide at https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu for how to download and setup the required libraries for your platform. Skipping registering GPU devices... WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/saved_model/signature_def_utils_impl.py:201: build_tensor_info (from tensorflow.python.saved_model.utils_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: This function will only be available through the v1 compatibility library as tf.compat.v1.saved_model.utils.build_tensor_info or tf.compat.v1.saved_model.build_tensor_info. INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph. INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph. INFO:tensorflow:No assets to write. INFO:tensorflow:No assets to write. WARNING:tensorflow:Issue encountered when serializing tft_mapper_use. Type is unsupported, or the types of the items don't match field type in CollectionDef. Note this is a warning and probably safe to ignore. 'Counter' object has no attribute 'name' WARNING:tensorflow:Issue encountered when serializing tft_mapper_use. Type is unsupported, or the types of the items don't match field type in CollectionDef. Note this is a warning and probably safe to ignore. 'Counter' object has no attribute 'name' INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/tmpwtmrrrxa/tftransform_tmp/3dfb612abc894c0ab0ae6895d85b5084/saved_model.pb INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/tmpwtmrrrxa/tftransform_tmp/3dfb612abc894c0ab0ae6895d85b5084/saved_model.pb INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph. INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph. INFO:tensorflow:No assets to write. INFO:tensorflow:No assets to write. WARNING:tensorflow:Issue encountered when serializing tft_mapper_use. Type is unsupported, or the types of the items don't match field type in CollectionDef. Note this is a warning and probably safe to ignore. 'Counter' object has no attribute 'name' WARNING:tensorflow:Issue encountered when serializing tft_mapper_use. Type is unsupported, or the types of the items don't match field type in CollectionDef. Note this is a warning and probably safe to ignore. 'Counter' object has no attribute 'name' INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/tmpwtmrrrxa/tftransform_tmp/c76371e6c4104068b035f1ba7ac0c160/saved_model.pb INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/tmpwtmrrrxa/tftransform_tmp/c76371e6c4104068b035f1ba7ac0c160/saved_model.pb WARNING:tensorflow:Tensorflow version (2.4.4) found. Note that Tensorflow Transform support for TF 2.0 is currently in beta, and features such as tf.function may not work as intended. WARNING:tensorflow:Tensorflow version (2.4.4) found. Note that Tensorflow Transform support for TF 2.0 is currently in beta, and features such as tf.function may not work as intended. WARNING:tensorflow:Tensorflow version (2.4.4) found. Note that Tensorflow Transform support for TF 2.0 is currently in beta, and features such as tf.function may not work as intended. WARNING:tensorflow:Tensorflow version (2.4.4) found. Note that Tensorflow Transform support for TF 2.0 is currently in beta, and features such as tf.function may not work as intended. WARNING:root:Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter. INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore 2021-12-04 10:43:12.129285: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:60] Could not load dynamic library 'libcusolver.so.10'; dlerror: libcusolver.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2021-12-04 10:43:12.129350: W tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1757] Cannot dlopen some GPU libraries. Please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly if you would like to use GPU. Follow the guide at https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu for how to download and setup the required libraries for your platform. Skipping registering GPU devices... INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph. INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph. INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: /tmp/tmpwtmrrrxa/tftransform_tmp/a447c39aff834eaa8b3df63abd6a0d29/assets INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: /tmp/tmpwtmrrrxa/tftransform_tmp/a447c39aff834eaa8b3df63abd6a0d29/assets INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/tmpwtmrrrxa/tftransform_tmp/a447c39aff834eaa8b3df63abd6a0d29/saved_model.pb INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/tmpwtmrrrxa/tftransform_tmp/a447c39aff834eaa8b3df63abd6a0d29/saved_model.pb WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_3:0\022\tworkclass" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_3:0\022\tworkclass" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_5:0\022\teducation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_5:0\022\teducation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_7:0\022\016marital-status" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_7:0\022\016marital-status" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_9:0\022\noccupation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_9:0\022\noccupation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_11:0\022\014relationship" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_11:0\022\014relationship" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_13:0\022\004race" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_13:0\022\004race" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_15:0\022\003sex" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_15:0\022\003sex" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_17:0\022\016native-country" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_17:0\022\016native-country" INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore 2021-12-04 10:43:17.368791: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:60] Could not load dynamic library 'libcusolver.so.10'; dlerror: libcusolver.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2021-12-04 10:43:17.368851: W tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1757] Cannot dlopen some GPU libraries. Please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly if you would like to use GPU. Follow the guide at https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu for how to download and setup the required libraries for your platform. Skipping registering GPU devices... WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_3:0\022\tworkclass" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_3:0\022\tworkclass" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_5:0\022\teducation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_5:0\022\teducation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_7:0\022\016marital-status" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_7:0\022\016marital-status" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_9:0\022\noccupation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_9:0\022\noccupation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_11:0\022\014relationship" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_11:0\022\014relationship" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_13:0\022\004race" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_13:0\022\004race" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_15:0\022\003sex" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_15:0\022\003sex" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_17:0\022\016native-country" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_17:0\022\016native-country" INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore WARNING:apache_beam.io.tfrecordio:Couldn't find python-snappy so the implementation of _TFRecordUtil._masked_crc32c is not as fast as it could be. WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_3:0\022\tworkclass" 2021-12-04 10:43:18.716754: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:60] Could not load dynamic library 'libcusolver.so.10'; dlerror: libcusolver.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2021-12-04 10:43:18.716809: W tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1757] Cannot dlopen some GPU libraries. Please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly if you would like to use GPU. Follow the guide at https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu for how to download and setup the required libraries for your platform. Skipping registering GPU devices... WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_3:0\022\tworkclass" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_5:0\022\teducation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_5:0\022\teducation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_7:0\022\016marital-status" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_7:0\022\016marital-status" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_9:0\022\noccupation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_9:0\022\noccupation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_11:0\022\014relationship" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_11:0\022\014relationship" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_13:0\022\004race" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_13:0\022\004race" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_15:0\022\003sex" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_15:0\022\003sex" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_17:0\022\016native-country" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_17:0\022\016native-country" INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore Model: "model" __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Layer (type) Output Shape Param # Connected to ================================================================================================== education (InputLayer) [(None,)] 0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ marital-status (InputLayer) [(None,)] 0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ native-country (InputLayer) [(None,)] 0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ occupation (InputLayer) [(None,)] 0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ race (InputLayer) [(None,)] 0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ relationship (InputLayer) [(None,)] 0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ sex (InputLayer) [(None,)] 0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ workclass (InputLayer) [(None,)] 0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ age (InputLayer) [(None,)] 0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ capital-gain (InputLayer) [(None,)] 0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ capital-loss (InputLayer) [(None,)] 0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf.expand_dims_3 (TFOpLambda) (None, 1) 0 education[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ education-num (InputLayer) [(None,)] 0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ hours-per-week (InputLayer) [(None,)] 0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf.expand_dims_6 (TFOpLambda) (None, 1) 0 marital-status[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf.expand_dims_7 (TFOpLambda) (None, 1) 0 native-country[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf.expand_dims_8 (TFOpLambda) (None, 1) 0 occupation[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf.expand_dims_9 (TFOpLambda) (None, 1) 0 race[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf.expand_dims_10 (TFOpLambda) (None, 1) 0 relationship[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf.expand_dims_11 (TFOpLambda) (None, 1) 0 sex[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf.expand_dims_12 (TFOpLambda) (None, 1) 0 workclass[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf.expand_dims (TFOpLambda) (None, 1) 0 age[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf.expand_dims_1 (TFOpLambda) (None, 1) 0 capital-gain[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf.expand_dims_2 (TFOpLambda) (None, 1) 0 capital-loss[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ category_encoding (CategoryEnco (None, 17) 0 tf.expand_dims_3[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf.expand_dims_4 (TFOpLambda) (None, 1) 0 education-num[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf.expand_dims_5 (TFOpLambda) (None, 1) 0 hours-per-week[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ category_encoding_1 (CategoryEn (None, 8) 0 tf.expand_dims_6[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ category_encoding_2 (CategoryEn (None, 43) 0 tf.expand_dims_7[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ category_encoding_3 (CategoryEn (None, 16) 0 tf.expand_dims_8[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ category_encoding_4 (CategoryEn (None, 6) 0 tf.expand_dims_9[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ category_encoding_5 (CategoryEn (None, 7) 0 tf.expand_dims_10[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ category_encoding_6 (CategoryEn (None, 3) 0 tf.expand_dims_11[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ category_encoding_7 (CategoryEn (None, 10) 0 tf.expand_dims_12[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ tf.concat (TFOpLambda) (None, 115) 0 tf.expand_dims[0][0] tf.expand_dims_1[0][0] tf.expand_dims_2[0][0] category_encoding[0][0] tf.expand_dims_4[0][0] tf.expand_dims_5[0][0] category_encoding_1[0][0] category_encoding_2[0][0] category_encoding_3[0][0] category_encoding_4[0][0] category_encoding_5[0][0] category_encoding_6[0][0] category_encoding_7[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ dense (Dense) (None, 100) 11600 tf.concat[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ dense_1 (Dense) (None, 70) 7070 dense[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ dense_2 (Dense) (None, 50) 3550 dense_1[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ dense_3 (Dense) (None, 20) 1020 dense_2[0][0] __________________________________________________________________________________________________ dense_4 (Dense) (None, 2) 42 dense_3[0][0] ================================================================================================== Total params: 23,282 Trainable params: 23,282 Non-trainable params: 0 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ None Epoch 1/16 255/255 [==============================] - 2s 5ms/step - loss: 0.4575 - accuracy: 0.7892 - val_loss: 0.3393 - val_accuracy: 0.8425 Epoch 2/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 0.3390 - accuracy: 0.8420 - val_loss: 0.3367 - val_accuracy: 0.8442 Epoch 3/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 0.3278 - accuracy: 0.8478 - val_loss: 0.3256 - val_accuracy: 0.8490 Epoch 4/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 0.3182 - accuracy: 0.8494 - val_loss: 0.3246 - val_accuracy: 0.8481 Epoch 5/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 0.3133 - accuracy: 0.8527 - val_loss: 0.3204 - val_accuracy: 0.8484 Epoch 6/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 0.3054 - accuracy: 0.8566 - val_loss: 0.3232 - val_accuracy: 0.8480 Epoch 7/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 4ms/step - loss: 0.3024 - accuracy: 0.8568 - val_loss: 0.3248 - val_accuracy: 0.8488 Epoch 8/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 0.2970 - accuracy: 0.8595 - val_loss: 0.3310 - val_accuracy: 0.8470 Epoch 9/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 0.2932 - accuracy: 0.8619 - val_loss: 0.3277 - val_accuracy: 0.8465 Epoch 10/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 0.2946 - accuracy: 0.8617 - val_loss: 0.3292 - val_accuracy: 0.8495 Epoch 11/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 0.2914 - accuracy: 0.8606 - val_loss: 0.3334 - val_accuracy: 0.8511 Epoch 12/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 0.2864 - accuracy: 0.8631 - val_loss: 0.3328 - val_accuracy: 0.8490 Epoch 13/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 0.2811 - accuracy: 0.8671 - val_loss: 0.3386 - val_accuracy: 0.8503 Epoch 14/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 0.2738 - accuracy: 0.8720 - val_loss: 0.3397 - val_accuracy: 0.8483 Epoch 15/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 0.2709 - accuracy: 0.8745 - val_loss: 0.3429 - val_accuracy: 0.8491 Epoch 16/16 255/255 [==============================] - 1s 3ms/step - loss: 0.2705 - accuracy: 0.8724 - val_loss: 0.3467 - val_accuracy: 0.8491 INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore 2021-12-04 10:43:37.584301: W tensorflow/python/util/util.cc:348] Sets are not currently considered sequences, but this may change in the future, so consider avoiding using them. INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: /tmp/keras/exported_model_dir/1/assets INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: /tmp/keras/exported_model_dir/1/assets 16281/16281 [==============================] - 21s 1ms/step - loss: 0.3470 - accuracy: 0.8491 {'accuracy': 0.8490878939628601, 'loss': 0.34699547290802}
(Opcional) Usando nuestros datos preprocesados para entrenar un modelo usando tf.estimator
Si prefiere usar un modelo Estimator en lugar de un modelo Keras, el código de esta sección muestra cómo hacerlo.
Crear una función de entrada para el entrenamiento
def _make_training_input_fn(tf_transform_output, transformed_examples,
"""Creates an input function reading from transformed data.
tf_transform_output: Wrapper around output of tf.Transform.
transformed_examples: Base filename of examples.
batch_size: Batch size.
The input function for training or eval.
def input_fn():
"""Input function for training and eval."""
dataset = tf.data.experimental.make_batched_features_dataset(
transformed_features = tf.compat.v1.data.make_one_shot_iterator(
# Extract features and label from the transformed tensors.
transformed_labels = tf.where(
tf.equal(transformed_features.pop(LABEL_KEY), 1))
return transformed_features, transformed_labels[:,1]
return input_fn
Crear una función de entrada para servir
Creemos una función de entrada que podamos usar en producción y preparemos nuestro modelo entrenado para servir.
def _make_serving_input_fn(tf_transform_output):
"""Creates an input function reading from raw data.
tf_transform_output: Wrapper around output of tf.Transform.
The serving input function.
raw_feature_spec = RAW_DATA_FEATURE_SPEC.copy()
# Remove label since it is not available during serving.
def serving_input_fn():
"""Input function for serving."""
# Get raw features by generating the basic serving input_fn and calling it.
# Here we generate an input_fn that expects a parsed Example proto to be fed
# to the model at serving time. See also
# tf.estimator.export.build_raw_serving_input_receiver_fn.
raw_input_fn = tf.estimator.export.build_parsing_serving_input_receiver_fn(
raw_feature_spec, default_batch_size=None)
serving_input_receiver = raw_input_fn()
# Apply the transform function that was used to generate the materialized
# data.
raw_features = serving_input_receiver.features
transformed_features = tf_transform_output.transform_raw_features(
return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver(
transformed_features, serving_input_receiver.receiver_tensors)
return serving_input_fn
Envuelva nuestros datos de entrada en FeatureColumns
Nuestro modelo esperará nuestros datos en TensorFlow FeatureColumns.
def get_feature_columns(tf_transform_output):
"""Returns the FeatureColumns for the model.
tf_transform_output: A `TFTransformOutput` object.
A list of FeatureColumns.
# Wrap scalars as real valued columns.
real_valued_columns = [tf.feature_column.numeric_column(key, shape=())
# Wrap categorical columns.
one_hot_columns = [
num_buckets=(NUM_OOV_BUCKETS +
return real_valued_columns + one_hot_columns
Entrene, evalúe y exporte nuestro modelo
def train_and_evaluate(working_dir, num_train_instances=NUM_TRAIN_INSTANCES,
"""Train the model on training data and evaluate on test data.
working_dir: Directory to read transformed data and metadata from and to
write exported model to.
num_train_instances: Number of instances in train set
num_test_instances: Number of instances in test set
The results from the estimator's 'evaluate' method
tf_transform_output = tft.TFTransformOutput(working_dir)
run_config = tf.estimator.RunConfig()
estimator = tf.estimator.LinearClassifier(
# Fit the model using the default optimizer.
train_input_fn = _make_training_input_fn(
os.path.join(working_dir, TRANSFORMED_TRAIN_DATA_FILEBASE + '*'),
max_steps=TRAIN_NUM_EPOCHS * num_train_instances / TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE)
# Evaluate model on test dataset.
eval_input_fn = _make_training_input_fn(
os.path.join(working_dir, TRANSFORMED_TEST_DATA_FILEBASE + '*'),
# Export the model.
serving_input_fn = _make_serving_input_fn(tf_transform_output)
exported_model_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, EXPORTED_MODEL_DIR)
estimator.export_saved_model(exported_model_dir, serving_input_fn)
return estimator.evaluate(input_fn=eval_input_fn, steps=num_test_instances)
Ponlo todo junto
Hemos creado todo lo que necesitamos para preprocesar nuestros datos del censo, entrenar un modelo y prepararlo para servir. Hasta ahora solo hemos estado preparando las cosas. ¡Es hora de empezar a correr!
import tempfile
temp = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'estimator')
transform_data(train, test, temp)
results = train_and_evaluate(temp)
WARNING:tensorflow:Tensorflow version (2.4.4) found. Note that Tensorflow Transform support for TF 2.0 is currently in beta, and features such as tf.function may not work as intended. WARNING:tensorflow:Tensorflow version (2.4.4) found. Note that Tensorflow Transform support for TF 2.0 is currently in beta, and features such as tf.function may not work as intended. INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph. INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph. INFO:tensorflow:No assets to write. INFO:tensorflow:No assets to write. WARNING:tensorflow:Issue encountered when serializing tft_mapper_use. Type is unsupported, or the types of the items don't match field type in CollectionDef. Note this is a warning and probably safe to ignore. 'Counter' object has no attribute 'name' WARNING:tensorflow:Issue encountered when serializing tft_mapper_use. Type is unsupported, or the types of the items don't match field type in CollectionDef. Note this is a warning and probably safe to ignore. 'Counter' object has no attribute 'name' INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/tmpi7o66bl8/tftransform_tmp/a7f3726df5bf498ca24bd528eebca9e9/saved_model.pb INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/tmpi7o66bl8/tftransform_tmp/a7f3726df5bf498ca24bd528eebca9e9/saved_model.pb INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph. INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph. INFO:tensorflow:No assets to write. INFO:tensorflow:No assets to write. WARNING:tensorflow:Issue encountered when serializing tft_mapper_use. Type is unsupported, or the types of the items don't match field type in CollectionDef. Note this is a warning and probably safe to ignore. 'Counter' object has no attribute 'name' WARNING:tensorflow:Issue encountered when serializing tft_mapper_use. Type is unsupported, or the types of the items don't match field type in CollectionDef. Note this is a warning and probably safe to ignore. 'Counter' object has no attribute 'name' INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/tmpi7o66bl8/tftransform_tmp/3466a3517ec243a39102fa6ad6e5fec2/saved_model.pb INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/tmpi7o66bl8/tftransform_tmp/3466a3517ec243a39102fa6ad6e5fec2/saved_model.pb WARNING:tensorflow:Tensorflow version (2.4.4) found. Note that Tensorflow Transform support for TF 2.0 is currently in beta, and features such as tf.function may not work as intended. WARNING:tensorflow:Tensorflow version (2.4.4) found. Note that Tensorflow Transform support for TF 2.0 is currently in beta, and features such as tf.function may not work as intended. WARNING:tensorflow:Tensorflow version (2.4.4) found. Note that Tensorflow Transform support for TF 2.0 is currently in beta, and features such as tf.function may not work as intended. WARNING:tensorflow:Tensorflow version (2.4.4) found. Note that Tensorflow Transform support for TF 2.0 is currently in beta, and features such as tf.function may not work as intended. WARNING:root:Make sure that locally built Python SDK docker image has Python 3.7 interpreter. INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore 2021-12-04 10:44:05.733070: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:60] Could not load dynamic library 'libcusolver.so.10'; dlerror: libcusolver.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2021-12-04 10:44:05.733123: W tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1757] Cannot dlopen some GPU libraries. Please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly if you would like to use GPU. Follow the guide at https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu for how to download and setup the required libraries for your platform. Skipping registering GPU devices... INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph. INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph. INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: /tmp/tmpi7o66bl8/tftransform_tmp/96186aa415404f0884cb3766b270b9b2/assets INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: /tmp/tmpi7o66bl8/tftransform_tmp/96186aa415404f0884cb3766b270b9b2/assets INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/tmpi7o66bl8/tftransform_tmp/96186aa415404f0884cb3766b270b9b2/saved_model.pb INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/tmpi7o66bl8/tftransform_tmp/96186aa415404f0884cb3766b270b9b2/saved_model.pb WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_3:0\022\tworkclass" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_3:0\022\tworkclass" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_5:0\022\teducation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_5:0\022\teducation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_7:0\022\016marital-status" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_7:0\022\016marital-status" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_9:0\022\noccupation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_9:0\022\noccupation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_11:0\022\014relationship" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_11:0\022\014relationship" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_13:0\022\004race" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_13:0\022\004race" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_15:0\022\003sex" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_15:0\022\003sex" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_17:0\022\016native-country" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_17:0\022\016native-country" INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_3:0\022\tworkclass" 2021-12-04 10:44:10.983401: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:60] Could not load dynamic library 'libcusolver.so.10'; dlerror: libcusolver.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2021-12-04 10:44:10.983461: W tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1757] Cannot dlopen some GPU libraries. Please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly if you would like to use GPU. Follow the guide at https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu for how to download and setup the required libraries for your platform. Skipping registering GPU devices... WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_3:0\022\tworkclass" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_5:0\022\teducation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_5:0\022\teducation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_7:0\022\016marital-status" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_7:0\022\016marital-status" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_9:0\022\noccupation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_9:0\022\noccupation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_11:0\022\014relationship" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_11:0\022\014relationship" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_13:0\022\004race" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_13:0\022\004race" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_15:0\022\003sex" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_15:0\022\003sex" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_17:0\022\016native-country" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_17:0\022\016native-country" INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_3:0\022\tworkclass" 2021-12-04 10:44:12.469671: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:60] Could not load dynamic library 'libcusolver.so.10'; dlerror: libcusolver.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2021-12-04 10:44:12.469756: W tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1757] Cannot dlopen some GPU libraries. Please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly if you would like to use GPU. Follow the guide at https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu for how to download and setup the required libraries for your platform. Skipping registering GPU devices... WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_3:0\022\tworkclass" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_5:0\022\teducation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_5:0\022\teducation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_7:0\022\016marital-status" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_7:0\022\016marital-status" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_9:0\022\noccupation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_9:0\022\noccupation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_11:0\022\014relationship" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_11:0\022\014relationship" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_13:0\022\004race" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_13:0\022\004race" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_15:0\022\003sex" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_15:0\022\003sex" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_17:0\022\016native-country" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_17:0\022\016native-country" INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore WARNING:tensorflow:Using temporary folder as model directory: /tmp/tmpwufx88ji WARNING:tensorflow:Using temporary folder as model directory: /tmp/tmpwufx88ji INFO:tensorflow:Using config: {'_model_dir': '/tmp/tmpwufx88ji', '_tf_random_seed': None, '_save_summary_steps': 100, '_save_checkpoints_steps': None, '_save_checkpoints_secs': 600, '_session_config': allow_soft_placement: true graph_options { rewrite_options { meta_optimizer_iterations: ONE } } , '_keep_checkpoint_max': 5, '_keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours': 10000, '_log_step_count_steps': 100, '_train_distribute': None, '_device_fn': None, '_protocol': None, '_eval_distribute': None, '_experimental_distribute': None, '_experimental_max_worker_delay_secs': None, '_session_creation_timeout_secs': 7200, '_checkpoint_save_graph_def': True, '_service': None, '_cluster_spec': ClusterSpec({}), '_task_type': 'worker', '_task_id': 0, '_global_id_in_cluster': 0, '_master': '', '_evaluation_master': '', '_is_chief': True, '_num_ps_replicas': 0, '_num_worker_replicas': 1} INFO:tensorflow:Using config: {'_model_dir': '/tmp/tmpwufx88ji', '_tf_random_seed': None, '_save_summary_steps': 100, '_save_checkpoints_steps': None, '_save_checkpoints_secs': 600, '_session_config': allow_soft_placement: true graph_options { rewrite_options { meta_optimizer_iterations: ONE } } , '_keep_checkpoint_max': 5, '_keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours': 10000, '_log_step_count_steps': 100, '_train_distribute': None, '_device_fn': None, '_protocol': None, '_eval_distribute': None, '_experimental_distribute': None, '_experimental_max_worker_delay_secs': None, '_session_creation_timeout_secs': 7200, '_checkpoint_save_graph_def': True, '_service': None, '_cluster_spec': ClusterSpec({}), '_task_type': 'worker', '_task_id': 0, '_global_id_in_cluster': 0, '_master': '', '_evaluation_master': '', '_is_chief': True, '_num_ps_replicas': 0, '_num_worker_replicas': 1} WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/training_util.py:236: Variable.initialized_value (from tensorflow.python.ops.variables) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use Variable.read_value. Variables in 2.X are initialized automatically both in eager and graph (inside tf.defun) contexts. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/training_util.py:236: Variable.initialized_value (from tensorflow.python.ops.variables) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use Variable.read_value. Variables in 2.X are initialized automatically both in eager and graph (inside tf.defun) contexts. INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn. /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/base_layer_v1.py:1727: UserWarning: `layer.add_variable` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use `layer.add_weight` method instead. warnings.warn('`layer.add_variable` is deprecated and ' WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/optimizer_v2/ftrl.py:134: calling Constant.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops) with dtype is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Call initializer instance with the dtype argument instead of passing it to the constructor WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/optimizer_v2/ftrl.py:134: calling Constant.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops) with dtype is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Call initializer instance with the dtype argument instead of passing it to the constructor INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Create CheckpointSaverHook. INFO:tensorflow:Create CheckpointSaverHook. INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized. INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized. INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op. 2021-12-04 10:44:15.191355: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:60] Could not load dynamic library 'libcusolver.so.10'; dlerror: libcusolver.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2021-12-04 10:44:15.191419: W tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1757] Cannot dlopen some GPU libraries. Please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly if you would like to use GPU. Follow the guide at https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu for how to download and setup the required libraries for your platform. Skipping registering GPU devices... INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 0... INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 0... INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 0 into /tmp/tmpwufx88ji/model.ckpt. INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 0 into /tmp/tmpwufx88ji/model.ckpt. INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 0... INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 0... INFO:tensorflow:loss = 88.72284, step = 0 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 88.72284, step = 0 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 432.87 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 432.87 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 33.484627, step = 100 (0.233 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 33.484627, step = 100 (0.233 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 764.774 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 764.774 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 42.72283, step = 200 (0.130 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 42.72283, step = 200 (0.130 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 763.549 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 763.549 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 55.91174, step = 300 (0.131 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 55.91174, step = 300 (0.131 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 755.175 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 755.175 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 39.204643, step = 400 (0.133 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 39.204643, step = 400 (0.133 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 792.262 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 792.262 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 41.268295, step = 500 (0.126 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 41.268295, step = 500 (0.126 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 743.725 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 743.725 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 51.267006, step = 600 (0.135 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 51.267006, step = 600 (0.135 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 806.716 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 806.716 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 42.03744, step = 700 (0.124 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 42.03744, step = 700 (0.124 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 763.135 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 763.135 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 42.66994, step = 800 (0.131 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 42.66994, step = 800 (0.131 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 779.496 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 779.496 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 48.643982, step = 900 (0.129 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 48.643982, step = 900 (0.129 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 787.431 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 787.431 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 41.668102, step = 1000 (0.127 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 41.668102, step = 1000 (0.127 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 737.697 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 737.697 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 40.340927, step = 1100 (0.135 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 40.340927, step = 1100 (0.135 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 755.647 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 755.647 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 31.146494, step = 1200 (0.133 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 31.146494, step = 1200 (0.133 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 785.653 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 785.653 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 30.96864, step = 1300 (0.127 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 30.96864, step = 1300 (0.127 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 759.461 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 759.461 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 38.621964, step = 1400 (0.132 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 38.621964, step = 1400 (0.132 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 777.328 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 777.328 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 44.518555, step = 1500 (0.129 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 44.518555, step = 1500 (0.129 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 741.005 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 741.005 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 45.997204, step = 1600 (0.135 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 45.997204, step = 1600 (0.135 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 734.846 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 734.846 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 50.39132, step = 1700 (0.136 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 50.39132, step = 1700 (0.136 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 752.826 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 752.826 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 45.41472, step = 1800 (0.133 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 45.41472, step = 1800 (0.133 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 757.018 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 757.018 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 46.133186, step = 1900 (0.132 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 46.133186, step = 1900 (0.132 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 700.757 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 700.757 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 34.684982, step = 2000 (0.143 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 34.684982, step = 2000 (0.143 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 741.709 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 741.709 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 39.637863, step = 2100 (0.135 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 39.637863, step = 2100 (0.135 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 772.066 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 772.066 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 45.70813, step = 2200 (0.129 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 45.70813, step = 2200 (0.129 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 776.263 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 776.263 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 39.104668, step = 2300 (0.129 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 39.104668, step = 2300 (0.129 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 768.016 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 768.016 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 36.262817, step = 2400 (0.130 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 36.262817, step = 2400 (0.130 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 754.04 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 754.04 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 43.80282, step = 2500 (0.132 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 43.80282, step = 2500 (0.132 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 742.917 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 742.917 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 48.113125, step = 2600 (0.135 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 48.113125, step = 2600 (0.135 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 753.394 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 753.394 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 43.442005, step = 2700 (0.133 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 43.442005, step = 2700 (0.133 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 768.985 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 768.985 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 34.593086, step = 2800 (0.130 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 34.593086, step = 2800 (0.130 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 756.393 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 756.393 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 38.085594, step = 2900 (0.132 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 38.085594, step = 2900 (0.132 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 792.717 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 792.717 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 42.41484, step = 3000 (0.126 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 42.41484, step = 3000 (0.126 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 763.25 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 763.25 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 42.457626, step = 3100 (0.131 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 42.457626, step = 3100 (0.131 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 747.998 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 747.998 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 52.64791, step = 3200 (0.134 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 52.64791, step = 3200 (0.134 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 733.804 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 733.804 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 36.78949, step = 3300 (0.136 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 36.78949, step = 3300 (0.136 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 747.473 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 747.473 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 43.02353, step = 3400 (0.134 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 43.02353, step = 3400 (0.134 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 766.967 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 766.967 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 42.971584, step = 3500 (0.131 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 42.971584, step = 3500 (0.131 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 759.238 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 759.238 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 31.898714, step = 3600 (0.133 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 31.898714, step = 3600 (0.133 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 770.209 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 770.209 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 43.47151, step = 3700 (0.128 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 43.47151, step = 3700 (0.128 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 750.127 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 750.127 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 40.073875, step = 3800 (0.133 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 40.073875, step = 3800 (0.133 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 731.607 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 731.607 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 33.494003, step = 3900 (0.137 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 33.494003, step = 3900 (0.137 sec) INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 753.01 INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 753.01 INFO:tensorflow:loss = 40.401936, step = 4000 (0.133 sec) INFO:tensorflow:loss = 40.401936, step = 4000 (0.133 sec) INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 4071... INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners before saving checkpoint 4071... INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 4071 into /tmp/tmpwufx88ji/model.ckpt. INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 4071 into /tmp/tmpwufx88ji/model.ckpt. INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 4071... INFO:tensorflow:Calling checkpoint listeners after saving checkpoint 4071... INFO:tensorflow:Loss for final step: 51.911263. INFO:tensorflow:Loss for final step: 51.911263. WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_3:0\022\tworkclass" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_3:0\022\tworkclass" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_5:0\022\teducation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_5:0\022\teducation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_7:0\022\016marital-status" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_7:0\022\016marital-status" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_9:0\022\noccupation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\013\n\tConst_9:0\022\noccupation" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_11:0\022\014relationship" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_11:0\022\014relationship" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_13:0\022\004race" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_13:0\022\004race" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_15:0\022\003sex" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_15:0\022\003sex" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_17:0\022\016native-country" WARNING:tensorflow:Expected binary or unicode string, got type_url: "type.googleapis.com/tensorflow.AssetFileDef" value: "\n\014\n\nConst_17:0\022\016native-country" INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Saver not created because there are no variables in the graph to restore INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Classify: ['serving_default', 'classification'] INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Classify: ['serving_default', 'classification'] INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Regress: ['regression'] INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Regress: ['regression'] INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Predict: ['predict'] INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Predict: ['predict'] INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Train: None INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Train: None INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Eval: None INFO:tensorflow:Signatures INCLUDED in export for Eval: None INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmp/tmpwufx88ji/model.ckpt-4071 2021-12-04 10:44:22.080737: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:60] Could not load dynamic library 'libcusolver.so.10'; dlerror: libcusolver.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2021-12-04 10:44:22.080796: W tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1757] Cannot dlopen some GPU libraries. Please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly if you would like to use GPU. Follow the guide at https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu for how to download and setup the required libraries for your platform. Skipping registering GPU devices... INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmp/tmpwufx88ji/model.ckpt-4071 INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph. INFO:tensorflow:Assets added to graph. INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: /tmp/estimator/exported_model_dir/temp-1638614661/assets INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: /tmp/estimator/exported_model_dir/temp-1638614661/assets INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/estimator/exported_model_dir/temp-1638614661/saved_model.pb INFO:tensorflow:SavedModel written to: /tmp/estimator/exported_model_dir/temp-1638614661/saved_model.pb INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Starting evaluation at 2021-12-04T10:44:23Z INFO:tensorflow:Starting evaluation at 2021-12-04T10:44:23Z INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized. INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized. INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmp/tmpwufx88ji/model.ckpt-4071 2021-12-04 10:44:23.300547: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:60] Could not load dynamic library 'libcusolver.so.10'; dlerror: libcusolver.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2021-12-04 10:44:23.300668: W tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1757] Cannot dlopen some GPU libraries. Please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly if you would like to use GPU. Follow the guide at https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu for how to download and setup the required libraries for your platform. Skipping registering GPU devices... INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /tmp/tmpwufx88ji/model.ckpt-4071 INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [1628/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [1628/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [3256/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [3256/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [4884/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [4884/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [6512/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [6512/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [8140/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [8140/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [9768/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [9768/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [11396/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [11396/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [13024/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [13024/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [14652/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [14652/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [16280/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [16280/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [16281/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [16281/16281] INFO:tensorflow:Inference Time : 12.76048s INFO:tensorflow:Inference Time : 12.76048s INFO:tensorflow:Finished evaluation at 2021-12-04-10:44:35 INFO:tensorflow:Finished evaluation at 2021-12-04-10:44:35 INFO:tensorflow:Saving dict for global step 4071: accuracy = 0.85123765, accuracy_baseline = 0.76377374, auc = 0.9019859, auc_precision_recall = 0.9672531, average_loss = 0.32398567, global_step = 4071, label/mean = 0.76377374, loss = 0.32398567, precision = 0.8828477, prediction/mean = 0.75662553, recall = 0.9284278 INFO:tensorflow:Saving dict for global step 4071: accuracy = 0.85123765, accuracy_baseline = 0.76377374, auc = 0.9019859, auc_precision_recall = 0.9672531, average_loss = 0.32398567, global_step = 4071, label/mean = 0.76377374, loss = 0.32398567, precision = 0.8828477, prediction/mean = 0.75662553, recall = 0.9284278 INFO:tensorflow:Saving 'checkpoint_path' summary for global step 4071: /tmp/tmpwufx88ji/model.ckpt-4071 INFO:tensorflow:Saving 'checkpoint_path' summary for global step 4071: /tmp/tmpwufx88ji/model.ckpt-4071 {'accuracy': 0.85123765, 'accuracy_baseline': 0.76377374, 'auc': 0.9019859, 'auc_precision_recall': 0.9672531, 'average_loss': 0.32398567, 'global_step': 4071, 'label/mean': 0.76377374, 'loss': 0.32398567, 'precision': 0.8828477, 'prediction/mean': 0.75662553, 'recall': 0.9284278}
Lo que hicimos
En este ejemplo se utilizó tf.Transform
para preprocesar un conjunto de datos de los datos del censo, y formar un modelo con los datos limpiados y transformadas. También creamos una función de entrada que podríamos usar cuando implementamos nuestro modelo entrenado en un entorno de producción para realizar inferencias. Al usar el mismo código tanto para el entrenamiento como para la inferencia, evitamos cualquier problema con el sesgo de datos. En el camino, aprendimos a crear una transformación de Apache Beam para realizar la transformación que necesitábamos para limpiar los datos. También vimos cómo utilizar estos datos transformados para entrenar un modelo utilizando ya sea tf.keras
o tf.estimator
. ¡Esto es solo una pequeña parte de lo que TensorFlow Transform puede hacer! Le animamos a sumergirse en tf.Transform
y descubre lo que puede hacer por ti.