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# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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2020년 초에 COVID-19의 확산을 늦추기 위해 유럽 국가들은 비필수 사업장 폐쇄, 개별 사례 격리, 여행 금지 및 사회적 거리두기를 장려하는 기타 조치와 같은 비약물적 개입을 채택했습니다. 임페리얼 대학 COVID-19 대응 팀은 논문에서 이러한 조치의 효과 분석 "감염의 수와 11 개 유럽 국가에서 COVID-19 비 제약 개입의 영향을 추정"을 기계론과 결합 된 베이지안 계층 적 모델을 사용하여, 역학 모델.
이 Colab에는 다음과 같이 구성된 해당 분석의 TensorFlow Probability(TFP) 구현이 포함되어 있습니다.
- "모델 설정"은 질병 전파 및 그로 인한 사망에 대한 역학 모델, 모델 매개변수에 대한 베이지안 사전 분포, 매개변수 값에 따른 사망자 수 분포를 정의합니다.
- "데이터 사전 처리"는 각 국가의 개입 시기와 유형, 시간 경과에 따른 사망자 수, 감염자의 추정 치명률에 대한 데이터를 로드합니다.
- "모델 추론"은 베이지안 계층적 모델을 구축하고 Hamiltonian Monte Carlo(HMC)를 실행하여 매개변수에 대한 사후 분포에서 샘플링합니다.
- "결과"는 예측된 사망과 같은 관심 수량에 대한 사후 예측 분포와 개입이 없는 경우의 사실적 사망을 보여줍니다.
이 신문은 국가마다 감염된 사람 (에 의해 전송되는 새로운 감염의 수를 줄이기 위해 관리했다는 증거를 발견\(R_t\))하지만 신뢰할 수있는 간격이 포함 된 \(R_t=1\) (전염병이 확산 계속하는 위의 값)과 조기했다 개입의 효과에 대한 강력한 결론을 도출합니다. 종이의 스탠 코드는 저자에 Github에서의 저장소,이 Colab은 재현 버전 2 .
pip3 install -q git+git://
pip3 install -q tf-nightly tfp-nightly
import collections
from pprint import pprint
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from tensorflow_probability.python.internal import prefer_static as ps
# Globally Enable XLA.
# tf.config.optimizer.set_jit(True)
physical_devices = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')
tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(physical_devices[0], True)
# Invalid device or cannot modify virtual devices once initialized.
tfb = tfp.bijectors
tfd = tfp.distributions
DTYPE = np.float32
1 모델 설정
1.1 감염 및 사망에 대한 역학 모델
감염 모델은 시간 경과에 따른 각 국가의 감염 수를 시뮬레이션합니다. 입력 데이터는 개입의 시기와 유형, 인구 규모 및 초기 사례입니다. 매개변수는 중재의 효과와 질병 전파 속도를 제어합니다. 예상 사망자 수에 대한 모델은 예측된 감염에 치사율을 적용합니다.
감염 모델은 직렬 간격 분포(감염된 후 다른 사람을 감염시키는 일 수에 대한 분포)를 사용하여 이전 일일 감염의 컨볼루션을 수행합니다. 각 시간 단계에서 시간에 새로운 감염 횟수 \(t\), \(n_t\)다음과 같이 계산된다
\begin{equation} \sum_{i=0}^{t-1} n_i \mu_t \text{p} (\text{} i | \text{} t에서 감염된 사람에게서 발견됨) \end{ } 여기서, 방정식 \(\mu_t=R_t\) 및 조건부 확률에 저장 conv_serial_interval
아래 정의.
예상 사망에 대한 모델은 일일 감염과 감염과 사망 사이의 일 분포의 컨볼루션을 수행합니다. 즉, 하루에 기대 사망한다 \(t\) 다음과 같이 계산됩니다
시작 \ {식} \ sum_ {난 = 0} ^ {T-1} n_i \ 텍스트 {P (하루에 사망 \(t\)| 하루에 감염 \(i\))} 조건부 확률이 저장된 \ 단부 {식} 에 conv_fatality_rate
, 아래에 정의.
from tensorflow_probability.python.internal import broadcast_util as bu
def predict_infections(
intervention_indicators, population, initial_cases, mu, alpha_hier,
conv_serial_interval, initial_days, total_days):
"""Predict the number of infections by forward-simulation.
intervention_indicators: Binary array of shape
`[num_countries, total_days, num_interventions]`, in which `1` indicates
the intervention is active in that country at that time and `0` indicates
population: Vector of length `num_countries`. Population of each country.
initial_cases: Array of shape `[batch_size, num_countries]`. Number of cases
in each country at the start of the simulation.
mu: Array of shape `[batch_size, num_countries]`. Initial reproduction rate
(R_0) by country.
alpha_hier: Array of shape `[batch_size, num_interventions]` representing
the effectiveness of interventions.
conv_serial_interval: Array of shape
`[total_days - initial_days, total_days]` output from
`make_conv_serial_interval`. Convolution kernel for serial interval
initial_days: Integer, number of sequential days to seed infections after
the 10th death in a country. (N0 in the authors' Stan code.)
total_days: Integer, number of days of observed data plus days to forecast.
(N2 in the authors' Stan code.)
predicted_infections: Array of shape
`[total_days, batch_size, num_countries]`. (Batched) predicted number of
infections over time and by country.
alpha = alpha_hier - tf.cast(np.log(1.05) / 6.0, DTYPE)
# Multiply the effectiveness of each intervention in each country (alpha)
# by the indicator variable for whether the intervention was active and sum
# over interventions, yielding an array of shape
# [total_days, batch_size, num_countries] that represents the total effectiveness of
# all interventions in each country on each day (for a batch of data).
linear_prediction = tf.einsum(
'ijk,...k->j...i', intervention_indicators, alpha)
# Adjust the reproduction rate per country downward, according to the
# effectiveness of the interventions.
rt = mu * tf.exp(-linear_prediction, name='reproduction_rate')
# Initialize storage array for daily infections and seed it with initial
# cases.
daily_infections = tf.TensorArray(
dtype=DTYPE, size=total_days, element_shape=initial_cases.shape)
for i in range(initial_days):
daily_infections = daily_infections.write(i, initial_cases)
# Initialize cumulative cases.
init_cumulative_infections = initial_cases * initial_days
# Simulate forward for total_days days.
cond = lambda i, *_: i < total_days
def body(i, prev_daily_infections, prev_cumulative_infections):
# The probability distribution over days j that someone infected on day i
# caught the virus from someone infected on day j.
p_infected_on_day = tf.gather(
conv_serial_interval, i - initial_days, axis=0)
# Multiply p_infected_on_day by the number previous infections each day and
# by mu, and sum to obtain new infections on day i. Mu is adjusted by
# the fraction of the population already infected, so that the population
# size is the upper limit on the number of infections.
prev_daily_infections_array = prev_daily_infections.stack()
to_sum = prev_daily_infections_array * bu.left_justified_expand_dims_like(
p_infected_on_day, prev_daily_infections_array)
convolution = tf.reduce_sum(to_sum, axis=0)
rt_adj = (
(population - prev_cumulative_infections) / population
) * tf.gather(rt, i)
new_infections = rt_adj * convolution
# Update the prediction array and the cumulative number of infections.
daily_infections = prev_daily_infections.write(i, new_infections)
cumulative_infections = prev_cumulative_infections + new_infections
return i + 1, daily_infections, cumulative_infections
_, daily_infections_final, last_cumm_sum = tf.while_loop(
cond, body,
(initial_days, daily_infections, init_cumulative_infections),
maximum_iterations=(total_days - initial_days))
return daily_infections_final.stack()
def predict_deaths(predicted_infections, ifr_noise, conv_fatality_rate):
"""Expected number of reported deaths by country, by day.
predicted_infections: Array of shape
`[total_days, batch_size, num_countries]` output from
ifr_noise: Array of shape `[batch_size, num_countries]`. Noise in Infection
Fatality Rate (IFR).
conv_fatality_rate: Array of shape
`[total_days - 1, total_days, num_countries]`. Convolutional kernel for
calculating fatalities, output from `make_conv_fatality_rate`.
predicted_deaths: Array of shape `[total_days, batch_size, num_countries]`.
(Batched) predicted number of deaths over time and by country.
# Multiply the number of infections on day j by the probability of death
# on day i given infection on day j, and sum over j. This yields the expected
result_remainder = tf.einsum(
'i...j,kij->k...j', predicted_infections, conv_fatality_rate) * ifr_noise
# Concatenate the result with a vector of zeros so that the first day is
# included.
result_temp = 1e-15 * predicted_infections[:1]
return tf.concat([result_temp, result_remainder], axis=0)
1.2 매개변수 값보다 우선
여기에서 모델 매개변수에 대한 공동 사전 분포를 정의합니다. 많은 매개변수 값은 사전이 다음과 같이 표현될 수 있도록 독립적인 것으로 가정됩니다.
\(\text p(\tau, y, \psi, \kappa, \mu, \alpha) = \text p(\tau)\text p(y|\tau)\text p(\psi)\text p(\kappa)\text p(\mu|\kappa)\text p(\alpha)\text p(\epsilon)\)
그 중:
- \(\tau\) 국가, 당 초기의 경우의 수를 통해 지수 분포의 공유 속도 매개 변수입니다 \(y = y_1, ... y_{\text{num_countries} }\).
- \(\psi\) 사망자 수에 대한 음 이항 분포의 매개 변수입니다.
- \(\kappa\) 각 나라에서 초기 재생 횟수 이상 HalfNormal 분포 공유 스케일 파라미터 \(\mu = \mu_1, ..., \mu_{\text{num_countries} }\) (각 감염된 사람에 의해 전송 된 부가 경우의 수를 나타냄).
- \(\alpha = \alpha_1, ..., \alpha_6\) 여섯 개입의 각각의 효과입니다.
- \(\epsilon\) (라고
저자의 스탠 코드 후 코드)는 감염 사망자 비율 (IFR)에 잡음이다.
우리는 이 모델을 확률적 그래픽 모델의 표현을 가능하게 하는 TFP 분포 유형인 TFP JointDistribution으로 표현합니다.
def make_jd_prior(num_countries, num_interventions):
return tfd.JointDistributionSequentialAutoBatched([
# Rate parameter for the distribution of initial cases (tau).
tfd.Exponential(rate=tf.cast(0.03, DTYPE)),
# Initial cases for each country.
lambda tau: tfd.Sample(
tfd.Exponential(rate=tf.cast(1, DTYPE) / tau),
# Parameter in Negative Binomial model for deaths (psi).
tfd.HalfNormal(scale=tf.cast(5, DTYPE)),
# Parameter in the distribution over the initial reproduction number, R_0
# (kappa).
tfd.HalfNormal(scale=tf.cast(0.5, DTYPE)),
# Initial reproduction number, R_0, for each country (mu).
lambda kappa: tfd.Sample(
tfd.TruncatedNormal(loc=3.28, scale=kappa, low=1e-5, high=1e5),
# Impact of interventions (alpha; shared for all countries).
tfd.Gamma(tf.cast(0.1667, DTYPE), 1), sample_shape=num_interventions),
# Multiplicative noise in Infection Fatality Rate.
loc=tf.cast(1., DTYPE), scale=0.1, low=1e-5, high=1e5),
1.3 매개변수 값에 따른 관찰된 사망 가능성
가능성 모델 표현은 \(p(\text{deaths} | \tau, y, \psi, \kappa, \mu, \alpha, \epsilon)\). 매개변수에 따라 감염 및 예상 사망자 수에 대한 모델을 적용하고 실제 사망자가 음의 이항 분포를 따른다고 가정합니다.
def make_likelihood_fn(
intervention_indicators, population, deaths,
infection_fatality_rate, initial_days, total_days):
# Create a mask for the initial days of simulated data, as they are not
# counted in the likelihood.
observed_deaths = tf.constant(deaths.T[np.newaxis, ...], dtype=DTYPE)
mask_temp = deaths != -1
mask_temp[:, :START_DAYS] = False
observed_deaths_mask = tf.constant(mask_temp.T[np.newaxis, ...])
conv_serial_interval = make_conv_serial_interval(initial_days, total_days)
conv_fatality_rate = make_conv_fatality_rate(
infection_fatality_rate, total_days)
def likelihood_fn(tau, initial_cases, psi, kappa, mu, alpha_hier, ifr_noise):
# Run models for infections and expected deaths
predicted_infections = predict_infections(
intervention_indicators, population, initial_cases, mu, alpha_hier,
conv_serial_interval, initial_days, total_days)
e_deaths_all_countries = predict_deaths(
predicted_infections, ifr_noise, conv_fatality_rate)
# Construct the Negative Binomial distribution for deaths by country.
mu_m = tf.transpose(e_deaths_all_countries, [1, 0, 2])
psi_m = psi[..., tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis]
probs = tf.clip_by_value(mu_m / (mu_m + psi_m), 1e-9, 1.)
likelihood_elementwise = tfd.NegativeBinomial(
total_count=psi_m, probs=probs).log_prob(observed_deaths)
return tf.reduce_sum(
axis=[-2, -1])
return likelihood_fn
1.4 감염에 따른 사망 확률
이 섹션은 감염 다음 날의 사망자 분포를 계산합니다. 감염에서 사망까지의 시간이 감염에서 질병 발병까지의 시간과 발병에서 사망까지의 시간을 나타내는 두 개의 감마 변수 양의 합이라고 가정합니다. 시간 - 투 - 죽음 분포에서 감염 사망자 비율 데이터와 결합 진실성 등. (2020) 감염 다음 날 사망의 확률을 계산합니다.
def daily_fatality_probability(infection_fatality_rate, total_days):
"""Computes the probability of death `d` days after infection."""
# Convert from alternative Gamma parametrization and construct distributions
# for number of days from infection to onset and onset to death.
concentration1 = tf.cast((1. / 0.86)**2, DTYPE)
rate1 = concentration1 / 5.1
concentration2 = tf.cast((1. / 0.45)**2, DTYPE)
rate2 = concentration2 / 18.8
infection_to_onset = tfd.Gamma(concentration=concentration1, rate=rate1)
onset_to_death = tfd.Gamma(concentration=concentration2, rate=rate2)
# Create empirical distribution for number of days from infection to death.
inf_to_death_dist = tfd.Empirical(
infection_to_onset.sample([5e6]) + onset_to_death.sample([5e6]))
# Subtract the CDF value at day i from the value at day i + 1 to compute the
# probability of death on day i given infection on day 0, and given that
# death (not recovery) is the outcome.
times = np.arange(total_days + 1., dtype=DTYPE) + 0.5
cdf = inf_to_death_dist.cdf(times).numpy()
f_before_ifr = cdf[1:] - cdf[:-1]
# Explicitly set the zeroth value to the empirical cdf at time 1.5, to include
# the mass between time 0 and time .5.
f_before_ifr[0] = cdf[1]
# Multiply the daily fatality rates conditional on infection and eventual
# death (f_before_ifr) by the infection fatality rates (probability of death
# given intection) to obtain the probability of death on day i conditional
# on infection on day 0.
return infection_fatality_rate[..., np.newaxis] * f_before_ifr
def make_conv_fatality_rate(infection_fatality_rate, total_days):
"""Computes the probability of death on day `i` given infection on day `j`."""
p_fatal_all_countries = daily_fatality_probability(
infection_fatality_rate, total_days)
# Use the probability of death d days after infection in each country
# to build an array of shape [total_days - 1, total_days, num_countries],
# where the element [i, j, c] is the probability of death on day i+1 given
# infection on day j in country c.
conv_fatality_rate = np.zeros(
[total_days - 1, total_days, p_fatal_all_countries.shape[0]])
for n in range(1, total_days):
conv_fatality_rate[n - 1, 0:n, :] = (
p_fatal_all_countries[:, n - 1::-1]).T
return tf.constant(conv_fatality_rate, dtype=DTYPE)
1.5 직렬 간격
직렬 간격은 일련의 질병 전염에서 연속 사례 사이의 시간이며 감마 분포로 가정합니다. 우리는 일에 감염된 사람 확률을 계산하는 일련 간격 분포를 사용 \(i\) 이전에 하루에 감염된 사람에서 바이러스를 잡은 \(j\) 합니다 ( conv_serial_interval
에 인수 predict_infections
def make_conv_serial_interval(initial_days, total_days):
"""Construct the convolutional kernel for infection timing."""
g = tfd.Gamma(tf.cast(1. / (0.62**2), DTYPE), 1./(6.5*0.62**2))
g_cdf = g.cdf(np.arange(total_days, dtype=DTYPE))
# Approximate the probability mass function for the number of days between
# successive infections.
serial_interval = g_cdf[1:] - g_cdf[:-1]
# `conv_serial_interval` is an array of shape
# [total_days - initial_days, total_days] in which entry [i, j] contains the
# probability that an individual infected on day i + initial_days caught the
# virus from someone infected on day j.
conv_serial_interval = np.zeros([total_days - initial_days, total_days])
for n in range(initial_days, total_days):
conv_serial_interval[n - initial_days, 0:n] = serial_interval[n - 1::-1]
return tf.constant(conv_serial_interval, dtype=DTYPE)
2 데이터 전처리
2.1 개입 데이터 가져오기 및 사전 처리
raw_interventions = pd.read_csv(
raw_interventions['Date effective'] = pd.to_datetime(
raw_interventions['Date effective'], dayfirst=True)
interventions = raw_interventions.pivot(index='Country', columns='Type', values='Date effective')
# If any interventions happened after the lockdown, use the date of the lockdown.
for col in interventions.columns:
idx = interventions[col] > interventions['Lockdown']
interventions.loc[idx, col] = interventions[idx]['Lockdown']
num_countries = len(COUNTRIES)
2.2 사례/사망 데이터 가져오기 및 개입 참여
# Load the case data
data = pd.read_csv('')
# You can also use the dataset directly from european cdc (where the ICL model fetch their data from)
# data = pd.read_csv('')
data['country'] = data['countriesAndTerritories']
data = data[['dateRep', 'cases', 'deaths', 'country']]
data = data[data['country'].isin(COUNTRIES)]
data['dateRep'] = pd.to_datetime(data['dateRep'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
# Add 0/1 features for whether or not each intevention was in place.
data = data.join(interventions, on='country', how='outer')
for col in interventions.columns:
data[col] = (data['dateRep'] >= data[col]).astype(int)
# Add "any_intevention" 0/1 feature.
any_intervention_list = ['Schools + Universities',
'Self-isolating if ill',
'Public events',
'Social distancing encouraged']
data['any_intervention'] = (
data[any_intervention_list].apply(np.sum, 'columns') > 0).astype(int)
# Index by country and date.
data = data.sort_values(by=['country', 'dateRep'])
data = data.set_index(['country', 'dateRep'])
2.3 감염 사망률 및 인구 데이터 가져오기 및 처리
infected_fatality_ratio = pd.read_csv(
infected_fatality_ratio = infected_fatality_ratio.replace(to_replace='United Kingdom', value='United_Kingdom')
infected_fatality_ratio['Country'] = infected_fatality_ratio.iloc[:, 1]
infected_fatality_ratio = infected_fatality_ratio[infected_fatality_ratio['Country'].isin(COUNTRIES)]
infected_fatality_ratio = infected_fatality_ratio[
['Country', 'popt', 'ifr']].set_index('Country')
infected_fatality_ratio = infected_fatality_ratio.sort_index()
infection_fatality_rate = infected_fatality_ratio['ifr'].to_numpy()
population_value = infected_fatality_ratio['popt'].to_numpy()
2.4 국가별 데이터 전처리
# Model up to 75 days of data for each country, starting 30 days before the
# tenth cumulative death.
MAX_DAYS = 102
COVARIATE_COLUMNS = any_intervention_list + ['any_intervention']
# Initialize an array for number of deaths.
deaths = -np.ones((num_countries, MAX_DAYS), dtype=DTYPE)
# Assuming every intervention is still inplace in the unobserved future
num_interventions = len(COVARIATE_COLUMNS)
intervention_indicators = np.ones((num_countries, MAX_DAYS, num_interventions))
first_days = {}
for i, c in enumerate(COUNTRIES):
c_data = data.loc[c]
# Include data only after 10th death in a country.
mask = c_data['deaths'].cumsum() >= 10
# Get the date that the epidemic starts in a country.
first_day = c_data.index[mask][0] - pd.to_timedelta(START_DAYS, 'days')
c_data = c_data.truncate(before=first_day)
# Truncate the data after 28 March 2020 for comparison with Flaxman et al.
c_data = c_data.truncate(after='2020-03-28')
c_data = c_data.iloc[:MAX_DAYS]
days_of_data = c_data.shape[0]
deaths[i, :days_of_data] = c_data['deaths']
intervention_indicators[i, :days_of_data] = c_data[
first_days[c] = first_day
# Number of sequential days to seed infections after the 10th death in a
# country. (N0 in authors' Stan code.)
# Number of days of observed data plus days to forecast. (N2 in authors' Stan
# code.)
TOTAL_DAYS = deaths.shape[1]
3 모델 추론
Flaxman et al. (2020)를 사용 스탠 해밀턴 몬테 카를로 (HMC)과 무 U 턴 샘플러 (너트)와 매개 변수 후방에서 샘플.
여기에서 우리는 이중 평균 단계 크기 적응과 함께 HMC를 적용합니다. 사전 조건화 및 초기화를 위해 HMC의 파일럿 실행을 사용합니다.
추론은 GPU에서 몇 분 안에 실행됩니다.
3.1 모델에 대한 사전 및 가능성 구축
jd_prior = make_jd_prior(num_countries, num_interventions)
likelihood_fn = make_likelihood_fn(
intervention_indicators, population_value, deaths,
infection_fatality_rate, INITIAL_DAYS, TOTAL_DAYS)
3.2 유틸리티
def get_bijectors_from_samples(samples, unconstraining_bijectors, batch_axes):
"""Fit bijectors to the samples of a distribution.
This fits a diagonal covariance multivariate Gaussian transformed by the
`unconstraining_bijectors` to the provided samples. The resultant
transformation can be used to precondition MCMC and other inference methods.
state_std = [
tf.math.reduce_std(bij.inverse(x), axis=batch_axes)
for x, bij in zip(samples, unconstraining_bijectors)
state_mu = [
tf.math.reduce_mean(bij.inverse(x), axis=batch_axes)
for x, bij in zip(samples, unconstraining_bijectors)
return [tfb.Chain([cb, tfb.Shift(sh), tfb.Scale(sc)])
for cb, sh, sc in zip(unconstraining_bijectors, state_mu, state_std)]
def generate_init_state_and_bijectors_from_prior(nchain, unconstraining_bijectors):
"""Creates an initial MCMC state, and bijectors from the prior."""
prior_samples = jd_prior.sample(4096)
bijectors = get_bijectors_from_samples(
prior_samples, unconstraining_bijectors, batch_axes=0)
init_state = [
bij(tf.zeros([nchain] + list(s), DTYPE))
for s, bij in zip(jd_prior.event_shape, bijectors)
return init_state, bijectors
@tf.function(autograph=False, experimental_compile=True)
def sample_hmc(
def trace_fn(_, pkr):
return {
'target_log_prob': pkr.inner_results.inner_results.accepted_results.target_log_prob,
'diverging': ~(pkr.inner_results.inner_results.log_accept_ratio > -1000.),
'is_accepted': pkr.inner_results.inner_results.is_accepted,
'step_size': [tf.exp(s) for s in pkr.log_averaging_step],
hmc = tfp.mcmc.HamiltonianMonteCarlo(
hmc = tfp.mcmc.TransformedTransitionKernel(
hmc = tfp.mcmc.DualAveragingStepSizeAdaptation(
num_adaptation_steps=int(burnin * 0.8),
# Sampling from the chain.
return tfp.mcmc.sample_chain(
num_results=burnin + num_steps,
3.3 이벤트 공간 바이젝터 정의
등방성 다변량 가우시안 분포로부터 샘플링 HMC 때 가장 효율적이다 ( Mangoubi 및 스미스 (2017) ), 첫 번째 단계는 가능한 같은 많은처럼보고 목표 밀도를 미리 조정하는 정도로.
가장 먼저, 우리는 제약된(예: 음이 아닌) 변수를 HMC가 요구하는 제약 없는 공간으로 변환합니다. 또한 SinhArcsinh 바이젝터를 사용하여 변환된 목표 밀도의 꼬리의 무거움을 조작합니다. 우리는이 같이 대략 떨어질 할 \(e^{-x^2}\).
unconstraining_bijectors = [
tfb.Chain([tfb.Scale(tf.constant(1 / 0.03, DTYPE)), tfb.Softplus(),
tfb.SinhArcsinh(tailweight=tf.constant(1.85, DTYPE))]), # tau
tfb.Chain([tfb.Scale(tf.constant(1 / 0.03, DTYPE)), tfb.Softplus(),
tfb.SinhArcsinh(tailweight=tf.constant(1.85, DTYPE))]), # initial_cases
tfb.Softplus(), # psi
tfb.Softplus(), # kappa
tfb.Softplus(), # mu
tfb.Chain([tfb.Scale(tf.constant(0.4, DTYPE)), tfb.Softplus(),
tfb.SinhArcsinh(skewness=tf.constant(-0.2, DTYPE), tailweight=tf.constant(2., DTYPE))]), # alpha
tfb.Softplus(), # ifr_noise
3.4 HMC 파일럿 실행
먼저 변환된 공간에서 0부터 초기화된 사전 조건으로 HMC를 실행합니다. 실제로는 잘못된 숫자로 인해 체인이 멈춘 경우가 종종 있으므로 이전 샘플을 사용하여 체인을 초기화하지 않습니다.
nchain = 32
target_log_prob_fn = lambda *x: jd_prior.log_prob(*x) + likelihood_fn(*x)
init_state, bijectors = generate_init_state_and_bijectors_from_prior(nchain, unconstraining_bijectors)
# Each chain gets its own step size.
step_size = [tf.fill([nchain] + [1] * (len(s.shape) - 1), tf.constant(0.01, DTYPE)) for s in init_state]
burnin = 200
num_steps = 100
pilot_samples, pilot_sampler_stat = sample_hmc(
CPU times: user 56.8 s, sys: 2.34 s, total: 59.1 s Wall time: 1min 1s
3.5 파일럿 샘플 시각화
우리는 얽힌 사슬과 눈에 띄는 수렴을 찾고 있습니다. 여기에서 공식 진단을 수행할 수 있지만 파일럿 실행일 뿐이므로 꼭 필요한 것은 아닙니다.
import arviz as az'arviz-darkgrid')
var_name = ['tau', 'initial_cases', 'psi', 'kappa', 'mu', 'alpha', 'ifr_noise']
pilot_with_warmup = {k: np.swapaxes(v.numpy(), 1, 0)
for k, v in zip(var_name, pilot_samples)}
이중 평균화 단계 크기 적응이 최적의 단계 크기에 대한 매우 적극적인 검색을 사용하기 때문에 우리는 워밍업 중에 발산을 관찰합니다. 적응이 꺼지면 다이버전스도 사라집니다.
az_trace = az.from_dict(posterior=pilot_with_warmup,
sample_stats={'diverging': np.swapaxes(pilot_sampler_stat['diverging'].numpy(), 0, 1)})
az.plot_trace(az_trace, combined=True, compact=True, figsize=(12, 8));
3.6 HMC 실행
원칙적으로 우리는 최종 분석을 위해 파일럿 샘플을 사용할 수 있지만(수렴을 위해 더 오래 실행한 경우), 이번에는 파일럿 샘플에 의해 사전 조정되고 초기화된 또 다른 HMC 실행을 시작하는 것이 조금 더 효율적입니다.
burnin = 50
num_steps = 200
bijectors = get_bijectors_from_samples([s[burnin:] for s in pilot_samples],
batch_axes=(0, 1))
samples, sampler_stat = sample_hmc(
[s[-1] for s in pilot_samples],
[s[-1] for s in pilot_sampler_stat['step_size']],
CPU times: user 1min 26s, sys: 3.88 s, total: 1min 30s Wall time: 1min 32s
3.7 샘플 시각화
import arviz as az'arviz-darkgrid')
var_name = ['tau', 'initial_cases', 'psi', 'kappa', 'mu', 'alpha', 'ifr_noise']
posterior = {k: np.swapaxes(v.numpy()[burnin:], 1, 0)
for k, v in zip(var_name, samples)}
posterior_with_warmup = {k: np.swapaxes(v.numpy(), 1, 0)
for k, v in zip(var_name, samples)}
체인의 요약을 계산합니다. 우리는 1에 가까운 높은 ESS와 r_hat을 찾고 있습니다.
az_trace = az.from_dict(posterior=posterior_with_warmup,
sample_stats={'diverging': np.swapaxes(sampler_stat['diverging'].numpy(), 0, 1)})
az.plot_trace(az_trace, combined=True, compact=True, figsize=(12, 8));
모든 차원에서 자동 상관 함수를 살펴보는 것이 좋습니다. 우리는 빠르게 내려가는 기능을 찾고 있지만 음수로 갈 정도로 많지는 않습니다(이는 HMC가 공명을 치고 ergodicity에 좋지 않고 편향을 유발할 수 있음을 나타냄).
with az.rc_context(rc={'plot.max_subplots': None}):
az.plot_autocorr(posterior, combined=True, figsize=(12, 16), textsize=12);
4 결과
다음 플롯 통해 후방 예측 분포 분석 \(R_t\)사망 수, Flaxman 등의 분석과 유사한 감염의 수. (2020).
total_num_samples =['mu'].shape[:2])
# Calculate R_t given parameter estimates.
def rt_samples_batched(mu, intervention_indicators, alpha):
linear_prediction = tf.reduce_sum(
intervention_indicators * alpha[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :], axis=-1)
rt_hat = mu[..., tf.newaxis] * tf.exp(-linear_prediction, name='rt')
return rt_hat
alpha_hat = tf.convert_to_tensor(
posterior['alpha'].reshape(total_num_samples, posterior['alpha'].shape[-1]))
mu_hat = tf.convert_to_tensor(
posterior['mu'].reshape(total_num_samples, num_countries))
rt_hat = rt_samples_batched(mu_hat, intervention_indicators, alpha_hat)
sampled_initial_cases = posterior['initial_cases'].reshape(
total_num_samples, num_countries)
sampled_ifr_noise = posterior['ifr_noise'].reshape(
total_num_samples, num_countries)
psi_hat = posterior['psi'].reshape([total_num_samples])
conv_serial_interval = make_conv_serial_interval(INITIAL_DAYS, TOTAL_DAYS)
conv_fatality_rate = make_conv_fatality_rate(infection_fatality_rate, TOTAL_DAYS)
pred_hat = predict_infections(
intervention_indicators, population_value, sampled_initial_cases, mu_hat,
alpha_hat, conv_serial_interval, INITIAL_DAYS, TOTAL_DAYS)
expected_deaths = predict_deaths(pred_hat, sampled_ifr_noise, conv_fatality_rate)
psi_m = psi_hat[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis]
probs = tf.clip_by_value(expected_deaths / (expected_deaths + psi_m), 1e-9, 1.)
predicted_deaths = tfd.NegativeBinomial(
total_count=psi_m, probs=probs).sample()
# Predict counterfactual infections/deaths in the absence of interventions
no_intervention_infections = predict_infections(
no_intervention_expected_deaths = predict_deaths(
no_intervention_infections, sampled_ifr_noise, conv_fatality_rate)
probs = tf.clip_by_value(
no_intervention_expected_deaths / (no_intervention_expected_deaths + psi_m),
1e-9, 1.)
no_intervention_predicted_deaths = tfd.NegativeBinomial(
total_count=psi_m, probs=probs).sample()
4.1 중재의 효과
Flaxman 등의 그림 4와 유사합니다. (2020).
def intervention_effectiveness(alpha):
alpha_adj = 1. - np.exp(-alpha + np.log(1.05) / 6.)
alpha_adj_first = (
1. - np.exp(-alpha - alpha[..., -1:] + np.log(1.05) / 6.))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[12, 6])
intervention_perm = [2, 1, 3, 4, 0]
percentile_vals = [2.5, 97.5]
jitter = .2
for ind in range(5):
first_low, first_high = tfp.stats.percentile(
alpha_adj_first[..., ind], percentile_vals)
low, high = tfp.stats.percentile(
alpha_adj[..., ind], percentile_vals)
p_ind = intervention_perm[ind]
ax.hlines(p_ind, low, high, label='Later Intervention', colors='g')
ax.scatter(alpha_adj[..., ind].mean(), p_ind, color='g')
ax.hlines(p_ind + jitter, first_low, first_high,
label='First Intervention', colors='r')
ax.scatter(alpha_adj_first[..., ind].mean(), p_ind + jitter, color='r')
if ind == 0:
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
[any_intervention_list[intervention_perm.index(p)] for p in range(5)])
ax.set_xlim([-0.01, 1.])
r = fig.patch
4.2 국가별 감염, 사망 및 R_t
Flaxman 등의 그림 2와 유사합니다. (2020).
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
plot_quantile = True
forecast_days = 0
fig, ax = plt.subplots(11, 3, figsize=(15, 40))
for ind, country in enumerate(COUNTRIES):
num_days = (pd.to_datetime('2020-03-28') - first_days[country]).days + forecast_days
dates = [(first_days[country] + i*pd.to_timedelta(1, 'days')).strftime('%m-%d') for i in range(num_days)]
plot_dates = [dates[i] for i in range(0, num_days, 7)]
# Plot daily number of infections
infections = pred_hat[:, :, ind]
posterior_quantile = np.percentile(infections, [2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5], axis=-1)
ax[ind, 0].plot(
dates, posterior_quantile[2, :num_days],
color='b', label='posterior median', lw=2)
if plot_quantile:
ax[ind, 0].fill_between(
dates, posterior_quantile[1, :num_days], posterior_quantile[3, :num_days],
color='b', label='50% quantile', alpha=.4)
ax[ind, 0].fill_between(
dates, posterior_quantile[0, :num_days], posterior_quantile[4, :num_days],
color='b', label='95% quantile', alpha=.2)
ax[ind, 0].set_xticks(plot_dates)
ax[ind, 0].xaxis.set_tick_params(rotation=45)
ax[ind, 0].set_ylabel('Daily number of infections', fontsize='large')
ax[ind, 0].set_xlabel('Day', fontsize='large')
# Plot deaths
ax[ind, 1].set_title(country)
samples = predicted_deaths[:, :, ind]
posterior_quantile = np.percentile(samples, [2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5], axis=-1)
ax[ind, 1].plot(
range(num_days), posterior_quantile[2, :num_days],
color='b', label='Posterior median', lw=2)
if plot_quantile:
ax[ind, 1].fill_between(
range(num_days), posterior_quantile[1, :num_days], posterior_quantile[3, :num_days],
color='b', label='50% quantile', alpha=.4)
ax[ind, 1].fill_between(
range(num_days), posterior_quantile[0, :num_days], posterior_quantile[4, :num_days],
color='b', label='95% quantile', alpha=.2)
observed = deaths[ind, :]
observed[observed == -1] = np.nan
ax[ind, 1].plot(
dates, observed[:num_days],
'--o', color='k', markersize=3,
label='Observed deaths', alpha=.8)
ax[ind, 1].set_xticks(plot_dates)
ax[ind, 1].xaxis.set_tick_params(rotation=45)
ax[ind, 1].set_title(country)
ax[ind, 1].set_xlabel('Day', fontsize='large')
ax[ind, 1].set_ylabel('Deaths', fontsize='large')
# Plot R_t
samples = np.transpose(rt_hat[:, ind, :])
posterior_quantile = np.percentile(samples, [2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5], axis=-1)
l1 = ax[ind, 2].plot(
dates, posterior_quantile[2, :num_days],
color='g', label='Posterior median', lw=2)
l2 = ax[ind, 2].fill_between(
dates, posterior_quantile[1, :num_days], posterior_quantile[3, :num_days],
color='g', label='50% quantile', alpha=.4)
if plot_quantile:
l3 = ax[ind, 2].fill_between(
dates, posterior_quantile[0, :num_days], posterior_quantile[4, :num_days],
color='g', label='95% quantile', alpha=.2)
l4 = ax[ind, 2].hlines(1., dates[0], dates[-1], linestyle='--', label='R == 1')
ax[ind, 2].set_xlabel('Day', fontsize='large')
ax[ind, 2].set_ylabel('R_t', fontsize='large')
ax[ind, 2].set_xticks(plot_dates)
ax[ind, 2].xaxis.set_tick_params(rotation=45)
fontsize = 'medium'
ax[0, 0].legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=fontsize)
ax[0, 1].legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=fontsize)
ax[0, 2].legend(
bbox_to_anchor=(1., 1.),
loc='upper right',
4.3 중재가 있거나 없는 일일 예측/예측 사망자 수
plot_quantile = True
forecast_days = 0
fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 3, figsize=(15, 16))
ax = ax.flatten()
for country_index, country in enumerate(COUNTRIES):
num_days = (pd.to_datetime('2020-03-28') - first_days[country]).days + forecast_days
dates = [(first_days[country] + i*pd.to_timedelta(1, 'days')).strftime('%m-%d') for i in range(num_days)]
plot_dates = [dates[i] for i in range(0, num_days, 7)]
quantile_vals = [.025, .25, .5, .75, .975]
samples = predicted_deaths[:, :, country_index].numpy()
quantiles = []
psi_m = psi_hat[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis]
probs = tf.clip_by_value(expected_deaths / (expected_deaths + psi_m), 1e-9, 1.)
predicted_deaths_dist = tfd.NegativeBinomial(
total_count=psi_m, probs=probs)
posterior_quantile = np.percentile(samples, [2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5], axis=-1)
dates, posterior_quantile[2, :num_days],
color='b', label='Posterior median', lw=2)
if plot_quantile:
dates, posterior_quantile[1, :num_days], posterior_quantile[3, :num_days],
color='b', label='50% quantile', alpha=.4)
samples_counterfact = no_intervention_predicted_deaths[:, :, country_index]
posterior_quantile = np.percentile(samples_counterfact, [2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5], axis=-1)
dates, posterior_quantile[2, :num_days],
color='r', label='Posterior median', lw=2)
if plot_quantile:
dates, posterior_quantile[1, :num_days], posterior_quantile[3, :num_days],
color='r', label='50% quantile, no intervention', alpha=.4)
observed = deaths[country_index, :]
observed[observed == -1] = np.nan
dates, observed[:num_days],
'--o', color='k', markersize=3,
label='Observed deaths', alpha=.8)
ax[country_index].set_xlabel('Day', fontsize='large')
ax[country_index].set_ylabel('Deaths', fontsize='large')
ax[0].legend(loc='upper left')