
Contains configuration for generating adversarial neighbors.

feature_mask mask w/ values in [0, 1] applied on the gradient. Its shape should be the same as (or broadcastable to) that of the input features. If the input features are in a collection (e.g. list or dictionary), this field should also be a collection of the same structure. Input features corresponding to mask values of 0.0 are not perturbed. Setting this field to None is equivalent to setting a mask value of 1.0 for all input features.
adv_step_size step size to find the adversarial sample. Default set to 0.001.
adv_grad_norm type of tensor norm to normalize the gradient. Input will be converted to nsl.configs.NormType when applicable (e.g., 'l2' -> nls.configs.NormType.L2). Default set to L2 norm.
clip_value_min minimum value to clip the features after perturbation. The shape should be the same as (or broadcastable to) input features. If the input features are in a collection (e.g. list or dictionary), this field should also be a collection with the same structure. An omitted or None-valued entry in the collection indicates no constraint on the corresponding feature.
clip_value_max maximum value to clip the feature after perturbation. (See clip_value_min for the structure and shape limitations.)
pgd_iterations number of attack iterations for Projected Gradient Descent (PGD) attack. Defaults to 1, which resembles the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) attack.
pgd_epsilon radius of the epsilon ball to project back to. Only used in Projected Gradient Descent (PGD) attack.
random_init Apply a random perturbation before FGSM/PGD steps. Default set to False for no random initialization being applied.



Method generated by attrs for class AdvNeighborConfig.


Method generated by attrs for class AdvNeighborConfig.


Method generated by attrs for class AdvNeighborConfig.


Method generated by attrs for class AdvNeighborConfig.


Method generated by attrs for class AdvNeighborConfig.


Method generated by attrs for class AdvNeighborConfig.