
Writes the metadata and associated files into a TFLite model.

Main aliases

tflite_support.metadata_writers.bert_nl_classifier.metadata_writer.MetadataWriter, tflite_support.metadata_writers.image_classifier.metadata_writer.MetadataWriter, tflite_support.metadata_writers.image_segmenter.metadata_writer.MetadataWriter, tflite_support.metadata_writers.nl_classifier.metadata_writer.MetadataWriter, tflite_support.metadata_writers.object_detector.metadata_writer.MetadataWriter

model_buffer valid buffer of the model file.
metadata_buffer valid buffer of the metadata.
associated_files path to the associated files to be populated.



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Creates MetadataWriter based on the metadata Flatbuffers Python Objects.

model_buffer valid buffer of the model file.
model_metadata general model metadata 1. The subgraph_metadata will be refreshed with input_metadata and output_metadata.
input_metadata a list of metadata of the input tensors 2.
output_metadata a list of metadata of the output tensors 3.
associated_files path to the associated files to be populated.
input_process_units a lits of metadata of the input process units 4.
output_process_units a lits of metadata of the output process units 5.

A MetadataWriter Object.


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Creates MetadataWriter based on the metadata information.

model_buffer valid buffer of the model file.
general_md general information about the model.
input_md metadata information of the input tensors.
output_md metadata information of the output tensors.
associated_files path to the associated files to be populated.

A MetadataWriter Object.

ValueError if the tensor names from input_md and output_md do not match the tensor names read from the model.


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Gets the generated JSON metadata string before populated into model.

This method returns the metadata buffer before populated into the model. More fields could be filled by MetadataPopulator, such as min_parser_version. Use get_populated_metadata_json() if you want to get the final metadata string.

The generated JSON metadata string before populated into model.


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Gets the generated JSON metadata string after populated into model.

More fields could be filled by MetadataPopulator, such as min_parser_version. Use get_metadata_json() if you want to get the original metadata string.

The generated JSON metadata string after populated into model.


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Populates the metadata and label file to the model file.

A new model buffer with the metadata and associated files.