Save and load models

TensorFlow.js provides functionality for saving and loading models that have been created with the Layers API or converted from existing TensorFlow models. These may be models you have trained yourself or those trained by others. A key benefit of using the Layers api is that the models created with it are serializable and this is what we will explore in this tutorial.

This tutorial will focus on saving and loading TensorFlow.js models (identifiable by JSON files). We can also import TensorFlow Python models. Loading these models are covered in the following two tutorials:

Save a tf.Model

tf.Model and tf.Sequential both provide a function that allow you to save the topology and weights of a model.

  • Topology: This is a file describing the architecture of a model (i.e. what operations it uses). It contains references to the models's weights which are stored externally.

  • Weights: These are binary files that store the weights of a given model in an efficient format. They are generally stored in the same folder as the topology.

Let's take a look at what the code for saving a model looks like

const saveResult = await'localstorage://my-model-1');

A few things to note:

  • The save method takes a URL-like string argument that starts with a scheme. This describes the type of destination we are trying to save a model to. In the example above the scheme is localstorage://
  • The scheme is followed by a path. In the example above the path is my-model-1.
  • The save method is asynchronous.
  • The return value of is a JSON object that carries information such as the byte sizes of the model's topology and weights.
  • The environment used to save the model does not impact which environments can load the model. Saving a model in node.js does not prevent it from being loaded in the browser.

Below we will examine the different schemes available.

Local Storage (Browser only)

Scheme: localstorage://


This saves a model under the name my-model in the browser's local storage. This will persist between refreshes, though local storage can be cleared by users or the browser itself if space becomes a concern. Each browser also sets their own limit on how much data can be stored in local storage for a given domain.

IndexedDB (Browser only)

Scheme: indexeddb://


This saves a model to the browser's IndexedDB storage. Like local storage it persists between refreshes, it also tends to have larger limits on the size of objects stored.

File Downloads (Browser only)

Scheme: downloads://


This will cause the browser to download the model files to the user's machine. Two files will be produced:

  1. A text JSON file named [my-model].json, which carries the topology and reference to the weights file described below.
  2. A binary file carrying the weight values named [my-model].weights.bin.

You can change the name [my-model] to get files with a different name.

Because the .json file points to the .bin using a relative path, the two files should be in the same folder.

HTTP(S) Request

Scheme: http:// or https://


This will create a web request to save a model to a remote server. You should be in control of that remote server so that you can ensure that it is able to handle the request.

The model will be sent to the specified HTTP server via a POST request. The body of the POST is in the multipart/form-data format and consists of two files

  1. A text JSON file named model.json, which carries the topology and reference to the weights file described below.
  2. A binary file carrying the weight values named model.weights.bin.

Note that the name of the two files will always be exactly as specified above (the name is built in to the function). This api doc contains a Python code snippet that demonstrates how one may use the flask web framework to handle the request originated from save.

Often you will have to pass more arguments or request headers to your HTTP server (e.g. for authentication or if you want to specify a folder that the model should be saved in). You can gain fine-grained control over these aspects of the requests from save by replacing the URL string argument in This API affords greater flexibility in controlling HTTP requests.

For example:

    {method: 'PUT', headers: {'header_key_1': 'header_value_1'} }));

Native File System (Node.js only)

Scheme: file://


When running on Node.js we also have direct access to the filesystem and can save models there. The command above will save two files to the path specified after the scheme.

  1. A text JSON file named [model].json, which carries the topology and reference to the weights file described below.
  2. A binary file carrying the weight values named [model].weights.bin.

Note that the name of the two files will always be exactly as specified above (the name is built in to the function).

Loading a tf.Model

Given a model that was saved using one of the methods above, we can load it using the tf.loadLayersModel API.

Let's take a look at what the code for loading a model looks like

const model = await tf.loadLayersModel('localstorage://my-model-1');

A few things to note:

  • Like, the loadLayersModel function takes a URL-like string argument that starts with a scheme. This describes the type of destination we are trying to load a model from.
  • The scheme is followed by a path. In the example above the path is my-model-1.
  • The url-like string can be replaced by an object that matches the IOHandler interface.
  • The tf.loadLayersModel() function is asynchronous.
  • The return value of tf.loadLayersModel is tf.Model

Below we will examine the different schemes available.

Local Storage (Browser only)

Scheme: localstorage://

const model = await tf.loadLayersModel('localstorage://my-model');

This loads a model named my-model from the browser's local storage.

IndexedDB (Browser only)

Scheme: indexeddb://

const model = await tf.loadLayersModel('indexeddb://my-model');

This loads a model from the browser's IndexedDB storage.


Scheme: http:// or https://

const model = await tf.loadLayersModel('http://model-server.domain/download/model.json');

This loads a model from an http endpoint. After loading the json file the function will make requests for corresponding .bin files that the json file references.

Native File System (Node.js only)

Scheme: file://

const model = await tf.loadLayersModel('file://path/to/my-model/model.json');

When running on Node.js we also have direct access to the filesystem and can load models from there. Note that in the function call above we reference the model.json file itself (whereas when saving we specify a folder). The corresponding .bin file(s) should be in the same folder as the json file.

Loading models with IOHandlers

If the schemes above are not sufficient for your needs you can implement custom loading behavior with an IOHandler. One IOHandler that TensorFlow.js provides is which allows browser users to upload model files in the browser. See the documentation for more information.

Saving and Loading Models with custom IOHandlers

If the schemes above are not sufficient for your loading or saving needs you can implement custom serialization behavior by implementing an IOHandler.

An IOHandler is an object with a save and load method.

The save function takes one parameter that is a matches the ModelArtifacts interface and should return a promise that resolves to a SaveResult object.

The load function takes no parameters and should return a promise that resolves to a ModelArtifacts object. This is the same object that is passed to save.

See BrowserHTTPRequest for an example of how to implement an IOHandler.