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This guide demonstrates how to migrate your workflows running on TPUs from TensorFlow 1's TPUEstimator
API to TensorFlow 2's TPUStrategy
- In TensorFlow 1, the
API lets you train and evaluate a model, as well as perform inference and save your model (for serving) on (Cloud) TPUs. - In TensorFlow 2, to perform synchronous training on TPUs and TPU Pods (a collection of TPU devices connected by dedicated high-speed network interfaces), you need to use a TPU distribution strategy—
. The strategy can work with the Keras APIs—including for model building (tf.keras.Model
), optimizers (tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer
), and training (
)—as well as a custom training loop (withtf.function
For end-to-end TensorFlow 2 examples, check out the Use TPUs guide—namely, the Classification on TPUs section—and the Solve GLUE tasks using BERT on TPU tutorial. You may also find the Distributed training guide useful, which covers all TensorFlow distribution strategies, including TPUStrategy
Start with imports and a simple dataset for demonstration purposes:
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf1
2023-06-09 12:22:02.963028: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT
features = [[1., 1.5]]
labels = [[0.3]]
eval_features = [[4., 4.5]]
eval_labels = [[0.8]]
TensorFlow 1: Drive a model on TPUs with TPUEstimator
This section of the guide demonstrates how to perform training and evaluation with tf.compat.v1.estimator.tpu.TPUEstimator
in TensorFlow 1.
To use a TPUEstimator
, first define a few functions: an input function for the training data, an evaluation input function for the evaluation data, and a model function that tells the TPUEstimator
how the training op is defined with the features and labels:
def _input_fn(params):
dataset =, labels))
dataset = dataset.repeat()
return dataset.batch(params['batch_size'], drop_remainder=True)
def _eval_input_fn(params):
dataset =, eval_labels))
dataset = dataset.repeat()
return dataset.batch(params['batch_size'], drop_remainder=True)
def _model_fn(features, labels, mode, params):
logits = tf1.layers.Dense(1)(features)
loss = tf1.losses.mean_squared_error(labels=labels, predictions=logits)
optimizer = tf1.train.AdagradOptimizer(0.05)
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=tf1.train.get_global_step())
return tf1.estimator.tpu.TPUEstimatorSpec(mode, loss=loss, train_op=train_op)
With those functions defined, create a tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver
that provides the cluster information, and a tf.compat.v1.estimator.tpu.RunConfig
object. Along with the model function you have defined, you can now create a TPUEstimator
. Here, you will simplify the flow by skipping checkpoint savings. Then, you will specify the batch size for both training and evaluation for the TPUEstimator
cluster_resolver = tf1.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver(tpu='')
print("All devices: ", tf1.config.list_logical_devices('TPU'))
All devices: [] 2023-06-09 12:22:04.200684: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] failed call to cuInit: CUDA_ERROR_NO_DEVICE: no CUDA-capable device is detected
tpu_config = tf1.estimator.tpu.TPUConfig(iterations_per_loop=10)
config = tf1.estimator.tpu.RunConfig(
estimator = tf1.estimator.tpu.TPUEstimator(
WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_15327/ The name tf.estimator.tpu.TPUConfig is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.estimator.tpu.TPUConfig instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_15327/ TPUConfig.__new__ (from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.tpu.tpu_config) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_15327/ RunConfig.__init__ (from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.tpu.tpu_config) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/tpu/ RunConfig.__init__ (from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.run_config) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_15327/ TPUEstimator.__init__ (from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.tpu.tpu_estimator) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:Estimator's model_fn (<function _model_fn at 0x7f66f9c41670>) includes params argument, but params are not passed to Estimator. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/tpu/ Estimator.__init__ (from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.estimator) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:Using temporary folder as model directory: /tmpfs/tmp/tmpfi5eso9h INFO:tensorflow:Using config: {'_model_dir': '/tmpfs/tmp/tmpfi5eso9h', '_tf_random_seed': None, '_save_summary_steps': 100, '_save_checkpoints_steps': None, '_save_checkpoints_secs': None, '_session_config': allow_soft_placement: true cluster_def { job { name: "worker" tasks { key: 0 value: "" } } } isolate_session_state: true , '_keep_checkpoint_max': 5, '_keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours': 10000, '_log_step_count_steps': None, '_train_distribute': None, '_device_fn': None, '_protocol': None, '_eval_distribute': None, '_experimental_distribute': None, '_experimental_max_worker_delay_secs': None, '_session_creation_timeout_secs': 7200, '_checkpoint_save_graph_def': True, '_service': None, '_cluster_spec': ClusterSpec({'worker': ['']}), '_task_type': 'worker', '_task_id': 0, '_global_id_in_cluster': 0, '_master': 'grpc://', '_evaluation_master': 'grpc://', '_is_chief': True, '_num_ps_replicas': 0, '_num_worker_replicas': 1, '_tpu_config': TPUConfig(iterations_per_loop=10, num_shards=None, num_cores_per_replica=None, per_host_input_for_training=2, tpu_job_name=None, initial_infeed_sleep_secs=None, input_partition_dims=None, eval_training_input_configuration=2, experimental_host_call_every_n_steps=1, experimental_allow_per_host_v2_parallel_get_next=False, experimental_feed_hook=None), '_cluster': <tensorflow.python.distribute.cluster_resolver.tpu.tpu_cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver object at 0x7f66f9c49e50>} INFO:tensorflow:_TPUContext: eval_on_tpu True
Call TPUEstimator.train
to begin training the model:
estimator.train(_input_fn, steps=1)
INFO:tensorflow:Querying Tensorflow master (grpc:// for TPU system metadata. INFO:tensorflow:Found TPU system: INFO:tensorflow:*** Num TPU Cores: 8 INFO:tensorflow:*** Num TPU Workers: 1 INFO:tensorflow:*** Num TPU Cores Per Worker: 8 INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0, CPU, -1, 1291425829812295795) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:0, TPU, 17179869184, -3325997117977499465) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:1, TPU, 17179869184, 8477538334583946656) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:2, TPU, 17179869184, 7772414489121114884) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:3, TPU, 17179869184, 3690613627338882953) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:4, TPU, 17179869184, 7506155478907565168) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:5, TPU, 17179869184, 2236267778124756088) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:6, TPU, 17179869184, -3746359292134531998) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:7, TPU, 17179869184, -7944284987887513631) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU_SYSTEM:0, TPU_SYSTEM, 17179869184, -5726915818709471474) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:XLA_CPU:0, XLA_CPU, 17179869184, -2156150057367007347) WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ Variable.initialized_value (from tensorflow.python.ops.variables) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use Variable.read_value. Variables in 2.X are initialized automatically both in eager and graph (inside tf.defun) contexts. INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/tpu/ StepCounterHook.__init__ (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ SecondOrStepTimer.__init__ (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ calling Constant.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops) with dtype is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Call initializer instance with the dtype argument instead of passing it to the constructor WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/tmp/ipykernel_15327/ TPUEstimatorSpec.__new__ (from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.tpu.tpu_estimator) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. 2023-06-09 12:22:04.585870: W tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/rpc/] GrpcSession::ListDevices will initialize the session with an empty graph and other defaults because the session has not yet been created. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/tpu/ LoggingTensorHook.__init__ (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:Bypassing TPUEstimator hook WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/tpu/ EstimatorSpec.__new__ (from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.model_fn) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/ NanTensorHook.__init__ (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ SummarySaverHook.__init__ (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:TPU job name worker INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized. INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/tpu/ Variable.load (from tensorflow.python.ops.variables) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Prefer Variable.assign which has equivalent behavior in 2.X. INFO:tensorflow:Initialized dataset iterators in 0 seconds INFO:tensorflow:Installing graceful shutdown hook. INFO:tensorflow:Creating heartbeat manager for ['/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0'] INFO:tensorflow:Configuring worker heartbeat: shutdown_mode: WAIT_FOR_COORDINATOR INFO:tensorflow:Init TPU system 2023-06-09 12:22:04.975589: W tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/rpc/] GrpcSession::ListDevices will initialize the session with an empty graph and other defaults because the session has not yet been created. INFO:tensorflow:Initialized TPU in 4 seconds INFO:tensorflow:Starting infeed thread controller. INFO:tensorflow:Starting outfeed thread controller. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ SessionRunArgs.__new__ (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ SessionRunContext.__init__ (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:Enqueue next (1) batch(es) of data to infeed. INFO:tensorflow:Dequeue next (1) batch(es) of data from outfeed. INFO:tensorflow:Outfeed finished for iteration (0, 0) WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ SessionRunValues.__new__ (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:loss = 2.3149996, step = 1 INFO:tensorflow:Stop infeed thread controller INFO:tensorflow:Shutting down InfeedController thread. INFO:tensorflow:InfeedController received shutdown signal, stopping. INFO:tensorflow:Infeed thread finished, shutting down. INFO:tensorflow:infeed marked as finished INFO:tensorflow:Stop output thread controller INFO:tensorflow:Shutting down OutfeedController thread. INFO:tensorflow:OutfeedController received shutdown signal, stopping. INFO:tensorflow:Outfeed thread finished, shutting down. INFO:tensorflow:outfeed marked as finished INFO:tensorflow:Shutdown TPU system. INFO:tensorflow:Loss for final step: 2.3149996. INFO:tensorflow:training_loop marked as finished <tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.tpu.tpu_estimator.TPUEstimator at 0x7f6750bd6d30>
Then, call TPUEstimator.evaluate
to evaluate the model using the evaluation data:
estimator.evaluate(_eval_input_fn, steps=1)
INFO:tensorflow:Could not find trained model in model_dir: /tmpfs/tmp/tmpfi5eso9h, running initialization to evaluate. INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn. WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/util/ div (from tensorflow.python.ops.math_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Deprecated in favor of operator or tf.math.divide. INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn. INFO:tensorflow:Starting evaluation at 2023-06-09T12:22:09 WARNING:tensorflow:From /tmpfs/src/tf_docs_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ FinalOpsHook.__init__ (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Use tf.keras instead. INFO:tensorflow:TPU job name worker INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized. INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op. INFO:tensorflow:Init TPU system INFO:tensorflow:Initialized TPU in 4 seconds INFO:tensorflow:Starting infeed thread controller. INFO:tensorflow:Starting outfeed thread controller. INFO:tensorflow:Initialized dataset iterators in 0 seconds INFO:tensorflow:Enqueue next (1) batch(es) of data to infeed. INFO:tensorflow:Dequeue next (1) batch(es) of data from outfeed. INFO:tensorflow:Outfeed finished for iteration (0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:Evaluation [1/1] INFO:tensorflow:Stop infeed thread controller INFO:tensorflow:Shutting down InfeedController thread. INFO:tensorflow:InfeedController received shutdown signal, stopping. INFO:tensorflow:Infeed thread finished, shutting down. INFO:tensorflow:infeed marked as finished INFO:tensorflow:Stop output thread controller INFO:tensorflow:Shutting down OutfeedController thread. INFO:tensorflow:OutfeedController received shutdown signal, stopping. INFO:tensorflow:Outfeed thread finished, shutting down. INFO:tensorflow:outfeed marked as finished INFO:tensorflow:Shutdown TPU system. INFO:tensorflow:Inference Time : 5.10077s INFO:tensorflow:Finished evaluation at 2023-06-09-12:22:14 INFO:tensorflow:Saving dict for global step 1: global_step = 1, loss = 5.8631864 INFO:tensorflow:evaluation_loop marked as finished {'loss': 5.8631864, 'global_step': 1}
TensorFlow 2: Drive a model on TPUs with Keras and TPUStrategy
In TensorFlow 2, to train on the TPU workers, use tf.distribute.TPUStrategy
together with the Keras APIs for model definition and training/evaluation. (Refer to the Use TPUs guide for more examples of training with Keras
and a custom training loop (with tf.function
and tf.GradientTape
Since you need to perform some initialization work to connect to the remote cluster and initialize the TPU workers, start by creating a TPUClusterResolver
to provide the cluster information and connect to the cluster. (Learn more in the TPU initialization section of the Use TPUs guide.)
cluster_resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver(tpu='')
print("All devices: ", tf.config.list_logical_devices('TPU'))
INFO:tensorflow:Deallocate tpu buffers before initializing tpu system. INFO:tensorflow:Deallocate tpu buffers before initializing tpu system. INFO:tensorflow:Initializing the TPU system: grpc:// INFO:tensorflow:Initializing the TPU system: grpc:// INFO:tensorflow:Finished initializing TPU system. INFO:tensorflow:Finished initializing TPU system. All devices: [LogicalDevice(name='/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:0', device_type='TPU'), LogicalDevice(name='/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:1', device_type='TPU'), LogicalDevice(name='/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:2', device_type='TPU'), LogicalDevice(name='/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:3', device_type='TPU'), LogicalDevice(name='/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:4', device_type='TPU'), LogicalDevice(name='/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:5', device_type='TPU'), LogicalDevice(name='/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:6', device_type='TPU'), LogicalDevice(name='/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:7', device_type='TPU')]
Next, once your data is prepared, you will create a TPUStrategy
, define a model, metrics, and an optimizer under the scope of this strategy.
To achieve comparable training speed with TPUStrategy
, you should make sure to pick a number for steps_per_execution
in Model.compile
because it specifies the number of batches to run during each tf.function
call, and is critical for performance. This argument is similar to iterations_per_loop
used in a TPUEstimator
. If you are using custom training loops, you should make sure multiple steps are run within the tf.function
-ed training function. Go to the Improving performance with multiple steps inside tf.function section of the Use TPUs guide for more information.
can support bounded dynamic shapes, which is the case that the upper bound of the dynamic shape computation can be inferred. But dynamic shapes may introduce some performance overhead compared to static shapes. So, it is generally recommended to make your input shapes static if possible, especially in training. One common op that returns a dynamic shape is
, since the number of samples remaining in a stream might be less than the batch size. Therefore, when training on the TPU, you should use, drop_remainder=True)
for best training performance.
dataset =
(features, labels)).shuffle(10).repeat().batch(
8, drop_remainder=True).prefetch(2)
eval_dataset =
(eval_features, eval_labels)).batch(1, drop_remainder=True)
strategy = tf.distribute.TPUStrategy(cluster_resolver)
with strategy.scope():
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)])
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adagrad(learning_rate=0.05)
model.compile(optimizer, "mse", steps_per_execution=10)
INFO:tensorflow:Found TPU system: INFO:tensorflow:Found TPU system: INFO:tensorflow:*** Num TPU Cores: 8 INFO:tensorflow:*** Num TPU Cores: 8 INFO:tensorflow:*** Num TPU Workers: 1 INFO:tensorflow:*** Num TPU Workers: 1 INFO:tensorflow:*** Num TPU Cores Per Worker: 8 INFO:tensorflow:*** Num TPU Cores Per Worker: 8 INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0, CPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0, CPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0, CPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0, CPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:0, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:0, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:1, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:1, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:2, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:2, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:3, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:3, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:4, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:4, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:5, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:5, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:6, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:6, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:7, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU:7, TPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU_SYSTEM:0, TPU_SYSTEM, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:TPU_SYSTEM:0, TPU_SYSTEM, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:XLA_CPU:0, XLA_CPU, 0, 0) INFO:tensorflow:*** Available Device: _DeviceAttributes(/job:worker/replica:0/task:0/device:XLA_CPU:0, XLA_CPU, 0, 0)
With that, you are ready to train the model with the training dataset:, epochs=5, steps_per_epoch=10)
Epoch 1/5 10/10 [==============================] - 1s 117ms/step - loss: 1.6286 Epoch 2/5 10/10 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.6109 Epoch 3/5 10/10 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.2844 Epoch 4/5 10/10 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.1395 Epoch 5/5 10/10 [==============================] - 0s 4ms/step - loss: 0.0699 <keras.callbacks.History at 0x7f66d86adf10>
Finally, evaluate the model using the evaluation dataset:
model.evaluate(eval_dataset, return_dict=True)
1/1 [==============================] - 2s 2s/step - loss: 1.2904 {'loss': 1.2903766632080078}
Next steps
To learn more about TPUStrategy
in TensorFlow 2, consider the following resources:
- Guide: Use TPUs (covering training with Keras
/a custom training loop withtf.distribute.TPUStrategy
, as well as tips on improving the performance withtf.function
) - Guide: Distributed training with TensorFlow
To learn more about customizing your training, refer to:
TPUs—Google's specialized ASICs for machine learning—are available through Google Colab, the TPU Research Cloud, and Cloud TPU.