There are a few ways to set up your environment to use TensorFlow Federated (TFF):
- The easiest way to learn and use TFF requires no installation; run the TensorFlow Federated tutorials directly in your browser using Google Colaboratory.
- To use TensorFlow Federated on a local machine,
install the TFF package with
package manager. - If you have a unique machine configuration, build the TFF package from source .
Install TensorFlow Federated using pip
1. Install the Python development environment.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip # Python 3
2. Create a virtual environment.
python3 -m venv "venv"
source "venv/bin/activate"
pip install --upgrade "pip"
3. Install the released TensorFlow Federated Python package.
pip install --upgrade tensorflow-federated
4. Test Tensorflow Federated.
python -c "import tensorflow_federated as tff; print(tff.tensorflow_computation(lambda: 'Hello World')())"
Build the TensorFlow Federated Python package from source
Building a TensorFlow Federated Python package from source is helpful when you want to:
- Make changes to TensorFlow Federated and test those changes in a component that uses TensorFlow Federated before those changes are submitted or released.
- Use changes that have been submitted to TensorFlow Federated but have not been released.
1. Install the Python development environment.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip # Python 3
2. Install Bazel.
Install Bazel, the build tool used to compile Tensorflow Federated.
3. Clone the Tensorflow Federated repository.
git clone
cd "tensorflow-federated"
4. Create a virtual environment.
python3 -m venv "venv"
source "venv/bin/activate"
pip install --upgrade "pip"
pip install numpy
5. Build the TensorFlow Federated Python package.
mkdir "/tmp/tensorflow_federated"
bazel run //tools/python_package:build_python_package -- \ --output_dir="/tmp/tensorflow_federated"
6. Exit the virtual environment
7. Create a new project.
mkdir "/tmp/project"
cd "/tmp/project"
8. Create a new virtual environment.
python3 -m venv "venv"
source "venv/bin/activate"
pip install --upgrade "pip"
9. Install the TensorFlow Federated Python package.
pip install --upgrade "/tmp/tensorflow_federated/"*".whl"
10. Test Tensorflow Federated.
python -c "import tensorflow_federated as tff; print(tff.tensorflow_computation(lambda: 'Hello World')())"