

Utilice el siguiente comando para cargar este conjunto de datos en TFDS:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:wiki_split')
  • Descripción :
One million English sentences, each split into two sentences that together preserve the original meaning, extracted from Wikipedia 
Google's WikiSplit dataset was constructed automatically from the publicly available Wikipedia revision history. Although
the dataset contains some inherent noise, it can serve as valuable training data for models that split or merge sentences.
  • Licencia : Sin licencia conocida
  • Versión : 0.1.0
  • Divisiones :
Separar Ejemplos
'test' 5000
'train' 989944
'validation' 5000
  • Características :
"complex_sentence": {
"dtype": "string",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"
"simple_sentence_1": {
"dtype": "string",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"
"simple_sentence_2": {
"dtype": "string",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"