

Используйте следующую команду, чтобы загрузить этот набор данных в TFDS:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:sem_eval_2014_task_1')
  • Описание :
The SemEval-2014 Task 1 focuses on Evaluation of Compositional Distributional Semantic Models
on Full Sentences through Semantic Relatedness and Entailment. The task was designed to
predict the degree of relatedness between two sentences and to detect the entailment
relation holding between them.
  • Лицензия : Нет известной лицензии.
  • Версия : 1.0.0
  • Расколы :
Расколоть Примеры
'test' 4927
'train' 4500
'validation' 500
  • Функции :
    "sentence_pair_id": {
        "dtype": "int64",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "premise": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "hypothesis": {
        "dtype": "string",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "relatedness_score": {
        "dtype": "float32",
        "id": null,
        "_type": "Value"
    "entailment_judgment": {
        "num_classes": 3,
        "names": [
        "names_file": null,
        "id": null,
        "_type": "ClassLabel"