


Use o seguinte comando para carregar esse conjunto de dados no TFDS:

ds = tfds.load('huggingface:peoples_daily_ner/peoples_daily_ner')
  • Descrição :
People's Daily NER Dataset is a commonly used dataset for Chinese NER, with
text from People'
s Daily (人民日报), the largest official newspaper.

The dataset is in BIO scheme. Entity types are: PER (person), ORG (organization)
and LOC (location).
  • Licença : Nenhuma licença conhecida
  • Versão : 1.0.0
  • Divisões :
Dividir Exemplos
'test' 4637
'train' 20865
'validation' 2319
  • Características :
"id": {
"dtype": "string",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"
"tokens": {
"feature": {
"dtype": "string",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"
"length": -1,
"id": null,
"_type": "Sequence"
"ner_tags": {
"feature": {
"num_classes": 7,
"names": [
"names_file": null,
"id": null,
"_type": "ClassLabel"
"length": -1,
"id": null,
"_type": "Sequence"