برای بارگذاری این مجموعه داده در TFDS از دستور زیر استفاده کنید:
ds = tfds.load('huggingface:jeopardy')
- توضیحات :
Dataset containing 216,930 Jeopardy questions, answers and other data.
The json file is an unordered list of questions where each question has
'category' : the question category, e.g. "HISTORY"
'value' : integer $ value of the question as string, e.g. "200"
Note: This is "None" for Final Jeopardy! and Tiebreaker questions
'question' : text of question
Note: This sometimes contains hyperlinks and other things messy text such as when there's a picture or video question
'answer' : text of answer
'round' : one of "Jeopardy!","Double Jeopardy!","Final Jeopardy!" or "Tiebreaker"
Note: Tiebreaker questions do happen but they're very rare (like once every 20 years)
'show_number' : int of show number, e.g '4680'
'air_date' : string of the show air date in format YYYY-MM-DD
- مجوز : مجوز شناخته شده ای وجود ندارد
- نسخه : 0.1.0
- تقسیم ها :
تقسیم کنید | نمونه ها |
'train' | 216930 |
- ویژگی ها :
"category": {
"dtype": "string",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"
"air_date": {
"dtype": "string",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"
"question": {
"dtype": "string",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"
"value": {
"dtype": "int32",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"
"answer": {
"dtype": "string",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"
"round": {
"dtype": "string",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"
"show_number": {
"dtype": "int32",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"