Use the following command to load this dataset in TFDS:
ds = tfds.load('huggingface:competition_math')
- Description:
The Mathematics Aptitude Test of Heuristics (MATH) dataset consists of problems
from mathematics competitions, including the AMC 10, AMC 12, AIME, and more.
Each problem in MATH has a full step-by-step solution, which can be used to teach
models to generate answer derivations and explanations.
- License:
- Version: 1.0.0
- Splits:
Split | Examples |
'test' |
5000 |
'train' |
7500 |
- Features:
"problem": {
"dtype": "string",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"
"level": {
"dtype": "string",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"
"type": {
"dtype": "string",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"
"solution": {
"dtype": "string",
"id": null,
"_type": "Value"