
  • Description:

Dataset with images from 5 classes (see config name for information on the specific class)

Split Examples
'test' 14,465
'train' 58,311
  • Feature structure:
    'PetID': Text(shape=(), dtype=string),
    'attributes': FeaturesDict({
        'Age': int64,
        'Breed1': int64,
        'Breed2': int64,
        'Color1': int64,
        'Color2': int64,
        'Color3': int64,
        'Dewormed': int64,
        'Fee': int64,
        'FurLength': int64,
        'Gender': int64,
        'Health': int64,
        'MaturitySize': int64,
        'Quantity': int64,
        'State': int64,
        'Sterilized': int64,
        'Type': int64,
        'Vaccinated': int64,
        'VideoAmt': int64,
    'image': Image(shape=(None, None, 3), dtype=uint8),
    'image/filename': Text(shape=(), dtype=string),
    'label': ClassLabel(shape=(), dtype=int64, num_classes=5),
  • Feature documentation:
Feature Class Shape Dtype Description
PetID Text string
attributes FeaturesDict
attributes/Age Tensor int64
attributes/Breed1 Tensor int64
attributes/Breed2 Tensor int64
attributes/Color1 Tensor int64
attributes/Color2 Tensor int64
attributes/Color3 Tensor int64
attributes/Dewormed Tensor int64
attributes/Fee Tensor int64
attributes/FurLength Tensor int64
attributes/Gender Tensor int64
attributes/Health Tensor int64
attributes/MaturitySize Tensor int64
attributes/Quantity Tensor int64
attributes/State Tensor int64
attributes/Sterilized Tensor int64
attributes/Type Tensor int64
attributes/Vaccinated Tensor int64
attributes/VideoAmt Tensor int64
image Image (None, None, 3) uint8
image/filename Text string
label ClassLabel int64


  • Citation:
@ONLINE {kaggle-petfinder-adoption-prediction,
    author = "Kaggle and",
    title  = " Adoption Prediction",
    month  = "april",
    year   = "2019",
    url    = ""