
Slice a SparseTensor based on the start and size.

For example, if the input is

input_tensor = shape = [2, 7]
[    a   d e  ]
[b c          ]

Graphically the output tensors are:

sparse_slice([0, 0], [2, 4]) = shape = [2, 4]
[    a  ]
[b c    ]

sparse_slice([0, 4], [2, 3]) = shape = [2, 3]
[ d e  ]
[      ]

indices A Tensor of type int64. 2-D tensor represents the indices of the sparse tensor.
values A Tensor. 1-D tensor represents the values of the sparse tensor.
shape A Tensor of type int64. 1-D. tensor represents the shape of the sparse tensor.
start A Tensor of type int64. 1-D. tensor represents the start of the slice.
size A Tensor of type int64. 1-D. tensor represents the size of the slice. output indices: A list of 1-D tensors represents the indices of the output sparse tensors.
name A name for the operation (optional).

A tuple of Tensor objects (output_indices, output_values, output_shape).
output_indices A Tensor of type int64.
output_values A Tensor. Has the same type as values.
output_shape A Tensor of type int64.